I have attended many webinars over the years, but on 3rd July, the tables were turned and I became the host. Out of the 120+ that registered for my session: "Essential Search Marketing Tips for Business" we had over 60 people dail in (which was amazing). 

The other person in this photo is Natalie Chrara. She played the important role as moderator. Nat heads up a sales team here at Salesforce. Thanks Nat for your help.

This webinar came about as a result of the excellent feedback from the break out session I did at Salesforce.com at CeBIT in May: "7 Secrets to Search Marketing Success" click the link to view my blog post where you can download the full set of slides.

Here was some of the feedback from my CeBIT session:

  • "No-nonsense hints and tips."
  • "The presenter provided valuable information, easy to understand."
  • "This was a complete SEO lesson in 45 min."
I was very moved by these comments, but I also received a lot of other feedback from folks that couldn't attend the CeBIT conference and they requested a copy of the slides (as many of these folks lived interstate). I want to help those businesses all over Australia, so the decision was made to kick off a webinar series.

Summary of my Webinar

My webinar was not a repeat of the CeBIT session. I wanted to make it more interactive by asking the audience to participate in polls and post questions that I would then embark on answering live on the call during the Q&A sections. 

Who attended

I wanted to tailor my presentation based on level of search experience on the webinar, so I ran a poll questions. Here are the results:


Using polls were a great way to do engage the audience and make them feel part of the webinar.  If you are planning on running a webinars, I highly recommend using a poll.


Topics covered

There are so many different things to think about when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). But I wanted to provide the most value to folks that registered. So I ran a Pre-Webinar Survey that help me priortise what content registered attendees wanted to hear about. The results from this survey were shared with the audience (see below):


This helped me focus on:

  1. Keyword Research: The process, some free tools like Google Trends and Google Adwords Keyword Tools
  2. Crawl-ability: How to check how many of your pages are in Google's index, What your pages look like to Search Spiders, Issues with Adobe Flash based websites 
  3. Content: Ideas on what content to write, How to optimise your web pages (meta tags)


Watch video recording of my webinar 

If you missed the webinar, you can watch it here.

Important Note: This is a re-recording of the webinar as the live recording had a technical glitch that create a voice echo. Please note TURN UP VOLUME, as it's a little soft.


Download my slides

Essential Search Marketing Tips for your Business -Salesforce Webinar (July 2013) from Mark Vozzo


This was the 1st webinar in this series. If you are interested in learning more about our upcoming webinars, click here.



Please provide Feedback

If you enjoyed the webinar, please tell us. If you think we need to improve on something, please provide us with your suggestions. If you want a webinar on a particular topic, please let us know.

We always welcome your feedback, please... 


Thanks again to all those who attended my webinar.



"no-nonsense hints and tips“
"The presenter provided valuable information, easy to understand." 
"This was a complete SEO lesson in 45m"