If you happened to read my previous post, you would know that last week (28 May 2013) I was up on stage presenting my breakout session  "7 Secrets to Search Marketing Success" at Salesforce.com at CeBIT - the largest Cloud Computing event in Australia.

First of all, a very special thanks for all whom attended my session. I had a wonderful audience with the majority of the folks in the room either owning a business or working for a Small Medium Business (SMB). It was an amazing turnout and I thank each and everyone who attended for coming.

The photo below was taken as I was getting ready up on stage and waiting for people to get seated. 



Summary: 7 Step Action Plan

For those that couldn't make the session, not to worry, here is the summary slide which is a 7 Step Action list that covers my Top 7 secret SEO tips for Search Marketing Success.


Before getting into my content I asked the audience to rate their business against 3 criteria. The questions are in my previous blog post.  I asked the audience (after concluding my session) whether they were able to move the needle on one or more of the ratings and I was proud to see the majority of the rooms hand being raised. I got a buzz from the day and really enjoy being able to help people and share my SEO stories and experience.   


View/Download Slides

Here are the slides from my presentation. I have a lot of links to free tools, videos, Search Engine news sites and resources in my slides. I highly recommend to Download my slides - 7 Secrets to Search Marketing Success .

7 secrets to successful search marketing from Salesforce



Did you miss CeBIT Sydney?


If you couldn't make Salesforce.com at CeBIT this year, not to worry we will be back next year. But in the meantime check out out the Salesforce CeBIT event website to watch the Keynote Video with Vivek Kundra and download all the other Breakout Session slides. 


Do you want me to do a SEO Tips webinar with Q&A? 

Unfortunately I was unable to answer any question at my breakout session. However I have had many people approach me with questions and also the request to have a Q&A session next time.

At Salesforce we listen to customers feeback. It wouldn't be right if we didn't live our tag line "Be a Customer Company".Hence we are gauging interest to see if customers would be interested in me running a webinar in a few months time. This would be for the folks that missed the event or for those that attended who want a refresher (as I did covered a lot of content during my session last week).  

Please drop me a tweet @markvozzo, or a note on Google Plus, or provide a comment below if interested.  If you have any questions about me session, please leave me a comment below.



Photo Credits: Special Thanks to Neil Duncan & Deutsche Messe

http://www.flickr.com/photos/cebitaus/8865707117/ (Mark Vozzo on stage)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/cebitaus/8886749519/ (Salesforce's Cloud Expo Stand)

More photos from the event -  http://www.flickr.com/photos/cebitaus/