I'm passionate about Search Marketing and have been doing it for a while. I have written several blog posts on search marketing here previously. This post is about giving you a sneak preview into what I'll be presenting at my Breakout Session at CeBIT Sydney. I'll be sharing my knowledge, stories, tips and tools to do with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) also referred to as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and/or PPC (Pay-per-click).

My session will start at 1pm, 28th May - Parkside Ballroom B in the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre.  

Salesforce.com is committed to helping Aussie SMBs (Small & Midsized Businesses) thrive. CeBIT Sydney kicks off next week and as part of your Free Salesforce.com at CeBIT pass, you'll get access to:

  • CeBIT Day 1 Keynote by Vivek Kundra, Salesforce.com,
  • Breakout Sessions, 
  • Expo Hall access, 
  • Live demos and Education session at our Theatrette at the Cloud Expo stand
  • And MUCH MUCH MORE... across the 3 day event!

Here is a great post that list the Top 10 reasons why I'm excited about Salesforce at CeBIT.

In a Small or Medium sized Business? Check out our: Top 5 reasons why Aussie SMBs should attend CeBIT blog post for all the awesome SMB sessions to attend.

Part 1: Search Marketing Basics

  • How search engines work (With Official Google infographic)
  • Search engine marketshare in Australia
  • The difference between SEO vs. SEM (also called PPC). The Pros/Cons of each.

Then I'll move into the main part of my presentation where I'll go through my 7 Secrets to Search Marketing Success.  

For each of the 7, I'll share some free tools, tips and stories that will help to inpsire and educated you on Search Marketing. 

Part 2: 7 Secrets to Search Marketing Success

Here is a summary of the 7 secrets...

  1. Analytics:
    You'll see some of the metrics I look at to determine search marketing success. You'll learn what Web Analytics tools are available, both free and paid.
  2. Keywords:
    You'll learn some tips on how to go about doing keyword research and the process I follow. You'll see some free tools to help you conduct your own keyword analysis.
  3. Crawl-ability:
    Here you'll learn how a search engine spider works and a free tool to check what your web pages look like to a search engine spider/crawler/robot. You'll learn a nice Google trick to see how many pages of your site are in the Google index.
  4. Content:
    You'll discover the most important elements on your pages, what you should focus on to give you the quick wins in terms of search rankings. I will share with you my Excel sheet that I use to manage SEO projects.
  5. Connections:
    This is all about links and how important they are to getting your website ranking. You'll see some of the free tools I use to do some link analysis as well as tools to help you discover and fix broken links on you web site.
  6. Return On Investment (ROI) on Search:
    You will see how I measure ROI on my SEM programs at Salesforce and links to some of the tools available that allow you to connect Google Adwords and Google Analytics to Salesforce CRM, so you can measure Search ROI easily.
  7. Keep Up-To-Date:
    As the search engines are constantly changing and refining their algorithms, I will share with you some of the top resources so you can stay abreast of these changes. 

Some Preparation Tips

With my breakout session, I aim to inspire you to learn something to help you grow and advance your business. That said, at the start of my session I will be asking the audience to rate their business on a scale 1 - to - 10. The idea being, by the end of my session hopefully everyone in the room will be able to walk away with an improved score as a results of some tools, tips or ideas that will help them improve their website to attract more customers from Google search.

Here are the 3 ratings I'd like the audience to answer:



If you haven't yet, please Register for Free and attend my session or the many other Sessions for Marketers, our top 5 Reasons why SMBs should attend CeBIT Sydney and 10 FREE sessions nobody can afford to miss!

Please leave a comment below if you have any SEM related questions you'd like answered in my presentation.  See you at #SalesforceCeBIT!