In the interest of doing something different, I am going to start this post off with something different... a poem.

Salesforce was born in the cloud, and now were all social, leading the market while competitors stay hopeful. On the 28th of May, CeBIT starts humming, so get in and register, because Salesforce is coming... Salesforce at CeBIT, how does that make you feel? Take note of these tips, it’s about to get real!

1. Get some insight on your industry! If there is one thing CeBit will not be short of its industry specialists. Our team have an abundance of customer stories and an infinite amount of sector specific experience...More importantly, our customers will be there and we are more than happy to make the introductions.

2. Tweet and follow #SalesforceCeBit If you are familiar with Salesforce you will know we are Social, and the event will be monitored by our team responding to queries and making navigating the event that much easier. This is also a great way to find out what’s hot, what’s happening and who else is attending.

3. Plan your day! Salesforce at Cebit will be one of Australia’s most exiting expos with an array of technology exhibits showcasing the very latest in cloud technology... And if that wasn’t enough, Salesforce have 21 breakout sessions across 5 stages during the Expo! Liaise with your Saleforce AE and/or get yourself a program and a map on the day and make a plan.

4. Become an Influencer Here is my challenge to you; during the event I will be using Radian6 to measure who is the most influential tweeters discussing Salesforce. Influence will not be measured by the amount of followers or spammy re-tweets but the relevance and involvement in Salesforce conversation. Questions? Ask me - @tweetsbyCT.

5. Photo Bomb CeBit! Are you like me and have a burning desire to show the world your stunning good looks? Get a picture with @TooSaaSy or Chatty and tweet it to #SalesforceCebit or go to our command centre in Hall 6 have your picture blasted to the CeBit audience in Hall 4. This is a great way to let everyone know you have arrived (whether they like it or not).

6. Check out the Salesforce Command Centre! So what’s that big thing with all the screens glowing with colourful lights, covered in awesome looking graphs and buzzing with pure awesomeness...? Why that’s the Salesforce Command Centre. If you’re across the latest in social marketing technology you will know what our command centre is. Find out how organisations like Commonwealth Bank, NAB, Nestle and Dell give their teams the best possible advantage and stay on the pulse in social media.

7. Go see Lorna Jane from Lorna Jane... Lorna Jane is ‘the’ Australian success story in retail, come a hear Lorna talk about how they broke the shackles of a downward trending industry and grew the largest Fashion Brand Facebook community in Australia and exploded onto the international stage through Digital.

8. Attend the Keynote! Further to Lorna Jane, we have Vivek Kundra, Executive Vice President of Emerging Markets at Salesforce and former CIO to the United States Government. Come get Vivek’s thoughts on Transforming Government for the Social Era.

9. Power Point Karaoke In the ‘Cloud Expo Theatre’ where you will find a multitude of interesting people and the thought provoking discussion, you can try your luck at Power Point Karaoke!! Don’t know what Power Point Karaoke is? Great! Even more reason to give it go! (Prizes to be won).

10. Read up/Watch up on our stuff! Salesforce are known for the impressive content we fire our out so check out the awesome resources we have on our website and ‘wise up’ on the exciting things we are doing in Social Media, Sales Service and Collaboration before the event.