Here is a Guest Blog post by our good friend over at, Fred Schebesta detailing his experience in creating engaging content for not so exciting products. You can hit Fred up on Twitter on @Schebesta.

The content you offer your target audience has the power to grab attention, inform, educate and ultimately convert those information-seekers into paying customers.

With the right high quality content, it’s possible for any business within any industry to build up an extremely valuable “media asset”. This simply means the content you publish on your website or blog provides the draw card that pulls visitors back to your site again and again.

Once you have those people on your website, it’s up to you to monetise it correctly for the best possible response. This might be getting them to enter contact information as they opt in to your mailing list. It might be getting them to place an order for your products or services while they’re still on the site. It makes no difference what your ultimate goal is; the content is what brings them and eventually converts them into loyal customers.

Considerations Before Creating Content

Before you begin creating any content for your website, it’s important to first understand as much as you can about those people within your target audience. You need to know:

  • Who they are
  • What they’re looking for
  • What problem they’re attempting to resolve by looking for your business
  • How your business can possibly help them find a solution

 Of course, getting those people to your site is just the beginning. Your content also needs to provide them with a reason to want to stick around. You need to find ways to engage them.

How to make your content engaging?

One thing you can own in your content is its uniqueness. Don’t offer a lengthy article because you have a dry topic. Incorporate relevant graphics throughout your content. Add videos to help improve the visual engagement levels.

We took life insurance at and produced more visual content like What Happens Online When You Die and Funniest Ways to Die to get our readers to start thinking more about life insurance. The topics are very unique but tied in closely to our niche and simply started to get our readers thinking about death.

We have taken this formula and have tied it into other topics relevant to our niche such as the most expensive places to live for our Home Loan site. For our readers looking at investments and loans it is a fun and quirky way to get them engaged and lead them through to other relevant topics around the site.

 Comparison Chart

The content becomes engaging because it incorporates the following elements.

  • Informative information in visual form - People are drawn to visual elements, you can represent your information in a way that is easy to read and understand.
  • Tells a story - Leads people through a journey, help them understand your content in an easy way.
  • Highlights key information in small chunks - If the market is already boring, people have a short attention span coming to your site. Give them the key facts in small chunks so the user gets exactly what they are looking for.

Put the majority of your effort into the most important content that the user needs to understand. Create an engaging user experience where you can lead them through step by step. By producing unique content that is unfamiliar to your market, it makes it something worth looking at and sharing.