Whatever your politcal persuasion, it was great watching Andrew Bleeker on ABC Big Ideas replayed on the weekend as a study in organised execution, you can watch the recording here or view the slides here. Below are my favourite points:


1. Using "Big" Data

Our core problem was not getting more data, it was bringing our silos of data together to be person centric  and unify sources from different channels. We want to move from demographics to modelling our audience, we needed to reach specific voters in key states like Ohio and Florida we modelled your liklihood to vote and your liklihood to vote for us and made it usable across channels.

2. Creating a Drumbeat of Interesting Moments

News drives search and social. There are not enough natural moments to fill a content calnedar.

Memes (inside jokes that everybody knows) are a great way to create interesting moments when there is nothing else to talk about.

Create an influencer outreach program where you can use a private channel to activate influencers when you have a story.

Use paid media to amplify your social impact. Using ad space to place your social content near your audience. 

3. Managing to the Content Plan (Message)

Have a single message, break it into campaigns. Hold back information, make it bite size and use it in a rythymn which all aligns to your campaign. Even real time response and newsjacking needs to tie back to your campaign or why do it?

4. Activating Advocates

There is a distrust in authority, but I'll trust my friend because I assume they do not have an agenda.

To activate your fans, provide clear instructions and consider delivering your message via personalised private comms i.e. Email. 

5. Nuturing Relationships

You dont wake up wanting to take a brands call to action.

Start with easy high reach content and then draw through a content funnel. Starts with pictures of pets, moves to highly visual expressions of data. Make sure your facts are credible with a date and source.

6. Closing The Loop to Create Loyalty

We constantly say "share this", "buy this", but we also need to focus on rewarding loyalty by telling people why they are in our community, rewarding them and letting them share success of your joint goals.

7. Using a Spectrum for Issue Response

Your PR playbook needs more tools than the corporate hammer, create a spectrum of spokespeople and twitter handles that can respond at the appropriate level so issues don't escalate further.

8. Prioritising Personalisation

Now we have more segmentation than we can create targeted content for. Hone in on the key variables to get full value from the production bandwidth you have.


Whatever your political persuations, a campaign team is an impressive enterprise, for more info on how the team ran their systems in the cloud, check out our customer story here.