Social Media is havingamajor impact on the way that B2C businesses drive sales during seasonal periods of the year, such as Christmas, New Year and Easter. And the social content that you circulate to your business connections can have a huge impact on sales. Engagement with your customers and prospects drives revenue for your organisation. 

Did you know that customers that are engaged with your business are 40% more likely to spend, and are 30% more satisfied? This is a real reason to start getting social with your marketing today.

Here are some simple tips you can leverage with your target market to increase engagement today!

1. Count Downs – Create and maintain a drum beat of regular communication with your audience. For example build a campaign around the lead up to Australia Day. 

2. Share Nostalgia – Leverage a seasonal period, such as Easter, to establish an emotional connection with warmth and familiarity.

3. Competitions & Sweepstakes – Generate fans and drive quality qualified traffic to your website by creating competitions and sweepstakes that excite your community.

4. Social Gifting – Engage your existing fans on social networks to drive awareness and support for a worthy non profit. 

5. Socially Enable Your Website – Ensure your website can be shared across multiple social channels like Facebook, Twitter and more by the viewers.

Here are some additional considerations that will not only help boost your engagement but also the response rates of your target market:

• Using a text only format can drive +12% increase in response rates.

• Giving the reader a clear and easy to understand call to action, drives 3 x more responses.

• What time of day you send your communications can have an impact on different customers groups, increasing response by up to +14% in some cases. 

• Regular communication with customers can increase response by +19%.

• By keeping the messaging simple and easy to understand in your communications, response rates can increase by 23%.

• Including photos within communication can increase responses by +39%.

• Don't forget to ask questions; that can increase response by +92% in some cases!

For more information about Social media ROI, have a look at our ebook “ROI of Social Media Myths Truths and how to measure"