As part of #cloudforce Sydney next week we'll be hosting a number of social media experts in our Social Media Lounge in the Expo.  These experts will be giving a series of presentations on how small businesses in particular, and business generally, can use various aspects of Social Media in their business. Topics will include SEO, LinkedIn, Cloud and Blogging.  They will include @kcarruthers, @philredding and @paulwallbank - all of whom have extensive experience using these technologies and few people understand more about how best to deploy them in your business.  

What follows is a sample of that expertise, from Tony @hollingsworth who runs community engagement for local Cloud accounting company, Saasu.   If you want to come along to Cloudforce Sydney next week to hear Tony, Kate, Paul or Phil register here - AND, be the 5,000th person to register and win a bottle of wine!

Hey there - it's Tony Hollingsworth here, a Sydney-based experienced technology executive and evangelist at Saasu Online Accounting.  I'm honoured to be speaking about "the social enterprise" at next week's Cloudforce Social Enterprise Tour in Sydney.  In particular I will be speaking about how Saasu, an online accounting software company, doubles in size every year without spending money on traditional sales, marketing and advertising.  We're a true social enterprise in that regard.


Firstly, a little about us: Saasu’s mission is to capture, organise and present our clients financial information automatically.  We're an online accounting software company supporting more than 10,000 business customers around the world. With millions of transactions each year worth billions of dollars we are a market leader in the Asia Pacific Software as a Service accounting industry. Saas stands for Software-as-a-Service and u is for utility.  Saasu is a comprehensive online accounting software system for managing business financials. Saasu has capabilities in sales, purchasing, inventory, payroll, e-commerce, CRM, point of sale, document and workflow management. Saasu’s strong online accounting API enables connection to hundreds of web applications, software products, payment services and banks.

We connect to Salesforce in a number of interesting ways too.  Saasu supports many countries and tax zones all from your web browser as either a free or paid subscription.  We have the infrastructure and all the software and services. You pay a small fee to have access to it. We have been one of the leaders in SaaS online accounting for 10 years.

We love the idea of the "social enterprise" It's one of the reasons we’ve been able to double our business every year without spending money on traditional sales, marketing and advertising.   We've accomplished this by using our website, blog, connected media (or social media) and of course by having a great product and just as importantly providing passionate service to our customers. 

Come and join me at the Cloudforce Social Media Lounge where I will speak about our social enterprise and how you can apply this to your own business.  Here are my slides for your reference. If you have any questions or feedback simply pop them in the comments and I would be happy to respond.

CeBIT 2012 - Creating Passionate Customers with Connected Media