I spotted an interesting video about Maersk Shipping's social media efforts.  We tend to associate B2C with social media but it's for B2B too.  I mean Maersk is a shipping line---why do they have over 205k likes on Facebook?  (By comparison Salesforce only has 78k likes)

But it makes sense.  A better overall image for the brand at large---and (believe it or not) the shipping community is a vibrant online community (see gCaptain.com).

Additionally, a social online presense probably helps with recruitment, collecting data and monitoring brand perception, and if a crisis ever arises these online roots will prove invaluable.

Also: World's Largest Ship (Maersk site): 



And BTW:  Does the social media expert in that video look like Jack Nicholson in The Shining?  Hereeeeeeee's Johnnnny!