Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has the potential to completely transform the way you do business. You can save money on marketing, close deals more quickly, and provide better service, all without increasing your headcount. 

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Speed up the sales process with AI

Proactive customer service with AI

Improve marketing experiences with AI


The recent State of the Connected Customer report showed that trust is still a valued commodity. Trust in businesses is slowly growing — 52% of customers say they generally trust companies, compared to 48% two years ago. 

But businesses still need to act in ways that build trust. According to the report, these are the top five actions that businesses can take to build customer trust: 

  • Communicate honestly and transparently
  • Use customer information responsibly
  • Treat customers as people, not numbers
  • Resolve issues proactively
  • Communicate proactively

Customers now expect you have a greater understanding of their needs. They expect you to be available 24/7, and they want to be able to contact you however they like and get the same experience. 

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system acting as a single source of truth, combined with the power of AI, can help you meet these expectations.


Introducing Salesforce Genie

The power of AI is unlocked by up-to-the-second data accuracy. Salesforce Genie is a real-time platform for customer magic — customer information is updated every millisecond. 

With the addition of Genie to the Salesforce team, Einstein AI can bring intelligence and automation to every experience across sales, service, marketing, and more.

Speed up the sales process with AI

You can use AI at every step of the sales process, from prospecting to closing. By automating every step of the selling journey, you can free up your sales staff to maximise the time they spend selling, improving productivity and efficiency.

Improved sales pipeline

AI can take on the task of lead scoring, providing you with a prioritised list of leads based on previous deals. Your sales teams can address the prospects who are most likely to convert into high-value sales first.

A CRM-integrated AI can also tell you which leads are most likely to close. Sales Cloud, alongside Einstein Opportunity Insights, will automatically assess customer sentiment, competitor involvement, and prospect engagement to understand whether a prospect is likely to buy. 

For your existing clients, Einstein Account Insights can keep tabs on company updates and activities, and alert your sales teams when an opportunity presents itself. Salesforce Genie keeps these insights updated in real time, meaning you can act on them as they happen.

Finally, you can use AI to keep a track of all your sales activities. Two-thirds of high-performing sales teams automate administrative tasks, such as call logging and meeting reminders. By letting your AI manage these day-to-day tasks, you give your sales teams more time in their day for selling.

Proactive customer service with AI

The latest State of Service report contains insights from over 8,000 customer service professionals from around the world. A clear message from the research was that efficiency is becoming more important to customer service leaders: 

  • Customer satisfaction is now measured by fewer service teams than in 2020 
  • The proportion of organisations that consider speed to be more important than quality has doubled since 2020
  • Metrics measuring first contact resolution, cost per contact, customer effort, and case deflection are all increasing in popularity 

Each of these efficiency measures can be boosted by AI.

Resolving issues proactively

With AI-powered chatbots, you can instantly help customers find the answers they’re looking for. Not only does this reduce the burden on your service personnel, but it also helps the customer faster.

You can also turn customer service teams into a driver for growth. With data kept up to date in real time, AI can intelligently make suggestions and in-context recommendations to customers, based on their previous activity.

You can save time for agents by using AI to complete data fields, perform case triage, and automatically route service tickets so agents can concentrate on the cases that require their attention.

Read about How SmartCost integrates Sales Cloud and Service Cloud to drive a 50% boost in revenue.

Improve marketing experiences with AI

AI gives marketers the tools to make every customer interaction effective. 

Predictive insights mean that customers only ever see relevant marketing messages. Supported by Salesforce Genie, Marketing Cloud and Einstein assess every engagement, brand interaction, and purchase to make sure that each ad hits home. They even take into account customer conversations on social networks. 

In the State of the Connected Customer report, it was revealed that 69% of customers say that they are open to the use of AI to improve their experiences. You can use it to offer personalised content and provide bespoke offers tailored to each customer, making them feel valued, improving your bottom line.

Optimisation at scale

AI can help optimise your marketing spend, offering suggestions for targeting, and flagging when campaigns aren’t hitting the mark. 

All of this data can be presented in easy-to-digest formats, with automatically created visual guides accompanied by natural language descriptions. This lets you share your insights quickly and make up-to-the-minute optimisation decisions.

Read about how GeniusU provided its fans with a totally personalised experience.

Prepare your business for a digital future

Businesses of all sizes are feeling pressure, from evolving customer expectations, growing costs, and increased competition. 

An AI-powered CRM will give you the tools to meet those challenges. Download the Prepare your Business for a Digital Future e-book now, to understand how a single source of truth, boosted by an always-on AI, can change the way you do business.