Businesses are in an era of change. Digital transformation is needed to survive — and to thrive.

Customer expectations are changing. Today’s consumers want each experience to be as quick and easy as possible. And for some, that means willingly sharing data. But it’s not enough for customers to share their data. Businesses have to know how to use it wisely. Product recommendations, timely reminders, and personalised marketing rely on companies using data properly.

Data is powerful when used correctly. We explore how you can use data to unlock the full potential of digital transformation.


Using a single source of truth 


One of the reasons why businesses struggle to use data is because they don’t have a single source of truth.

The average enterprise has around 900 applications. Only one-third of these are connected. This means data lives in different places. Businesses often mistakenly think they don’t have enough data. But the problem can be that they have too much data. Or, too much data living in too many places.

A single source of truth is critical for maximising data. That’s where Salesforce’s Customer 360 can help. Customer 360 supports you to efficiently gather all of your data in one place. With a 360-degree view of each customer, you make business decisions based on a customer’s entire data profile — not just a broken-out segment in isolation. 


Watch the ‘Unleash the Power of Your Data’ episode on Salesforce+ to learn more.

The full episode is now available to watch on-demand and contains a demo of how Salesforce works in real-time.

Three parts to unleashing the power of data 


There are three main stages to unleashing the power of your data. Customer 360 can help you maximise its potential with these three steps.


Unlock — integrate all data 


Consolidating your data is essential for achieving a single view of your data. Salesforce’s MuleSoft is an integration platform that helps you connect all data — whether it sits in a Salesforce system or not.


Analyse — visualise and draw insights 


Once you’ve unlocked your data, you need to be able to analyse it. To do this, you’ll need data visualisation.

There are various data visualisation tools available. One of them is Salesforce’s Tableau.

You can use Tableau to bring your data into easy-to-understand visualisations.

Data visualisation tools like Tableau help businesses draw key insights fast. This then allows employees to analyse the data more efficiently and react quickly to situations.


Act — automate end-to-end processes 


You can bring it all together by using automated data processing.

You can use Salesforce to automate your reports. This speeds up your reporting turnaround times and creates efficiencies. By reporting faster, you can react quicker, too.

Automation can help you go deeper into data, focus on what matters, and add more value to your business.

By using automation, you can better align teams and ensure business processes are followed across the entire organisation.


Want to learn more about unleashing the power of data? 


At World Tour London, several Salesforce experts outlined how a successful data strategy can help you achieve your business objectives.

The main stage showcase featured insightful information about how to use data to help with digital transformation. The experts spoke about the benefits of a single source of truth, data visualisation tools, and automated data processing.

The full episode is now available to watch on-demand and contains a demo of how Salesforce works in real-time.



Watch the ‘Unleash the Power of Your Data’ episode on Salesforce+ to learn more.