Digital transformation has been a buzzword for years, but the pandemic has forced businesses to react quicker than anyone thought possible. For example, nearly all respondents in a McKinsey report said that their company created temporary solutions between 20 and 25 times faster than expected. 

However, disjointed and disconnected workflows are hindering customer experiences and preventing organisations from scaling and adapting to the evolving needs of employees, customers, and partners. Does this sound familiar? If it does, then now is the time to build a unified foundation for all interactions with customers, employees, and partners.


What are the benefits of a connections-accelerated mindset?

Firstly, you’ll be able to deliver seamless customer interactions, which will satisfy their demand for real-time, innovative experiences. This will allow you to become proactive, rather than reactive within the industry. All your operations will become responsive, enabling you to transform your supply chain into a value chain. With a newly-empowered and aligned workforce, combined with an integrated partner system, your organisation will have the leading edge over its competitors.


Telstra introduces all-digital experiences

We have been working closely with Telstra, Australia’s largest telecommunications company, simplifying their product listing, eliminating customer pain points, and introducing new all-digital experiences – all made possible with our Customer 360 solution. Salesforce Professional Services also enabled Telstra to fully align IT infrastructure and business purpose, integrating all enterprise, consumer, and small business teams.

Salesforce has really enabled us to put the customer first in everything that we do, even down to enabling our engineers to quickly get new capabilities out to our frontline.”

Karen Hughes, Executive, Networks & IT, Consumer and Small Business at Telstra.

Adapting to the big changes, holistically 

One question on everyone’s lips is whether the business changes made over the last 18 months are going to last? According to McKinsey, business leaders believe that customer needs, hybrid working, and increased migration to the cloud are the top three shifts that will prove the most enduring over time. 

With a unified foundation involving the entire process chain – stakeholders, employees, partners, suppliers, and customers – business objectives can be met and customers will remain loyal and happy. Without this interrelatedness, valuable information will continue to be siloed, wasting any opportunity for actionable insight and the chance to produce greater efficiencies for the customer experience.


Connections accelerated and scaled across the organisation

Combining digitised business models and operational processes with a people-first culture ensures an integrated experience for customers, the continued ability to adapt as a business, and greater employee satisfaction and productivity. 

Salesforce is built on the premise that stronger connections lead to stronger experiences. Our roots are in the power of collaboration and the elimination of silos. 


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