So much has changed over the last year. From the way we live and work to the way we socialise with one another. Now this new world has been solidified, it is now time to rethink the possible - which was the theme of today’s Salesforce Live: UK & Ireland event

At Salesforce, the environment is a key stakeholder and this is a critical year for tackling one of the biggest global issues of our time - climate change. By keeping sustainability top of mind, we are challenged to do away with the status quo and rethink how we can create a resilient and prosperous future. 

At Salesforce Live: UK & Ireland we focused on sustainability, delivering inspiring content and giving back to our community, all in a setting that embodied our values.

Here’s how we brought sustainability to life at Salesforce Live: UK & Ireland:


The perfect setting

The event was set in the heart of London in a forest of 400 trees - yes, you read that right! The courtyard of Somerset House was transformed into a beautiful forest in part to help showcase the United Nations Global Goals, otherwise known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and raise awareness on climate change.

The SDGs are the global to-do list for people and the planet by 2030. They provide a shared framework to tackle the world’s most pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. 2021 is a critical year to make progress on the SDGs, so we were excited to host the event in not only a beautiful space, but one that aligns with Salesforce’s own commitment to support the SDGs



Giving back: Rewilding London

Giving back is a key component of Salesforce events and Salesforce Live: UK & Ireland was no different. Given our filming location, and Salesforce's commitment to support and mobilise the conservation, restoration, and growth of 100 million trees by the end of 2030, we thought it fitting to support a local rewilding effort in London. 

In partnership with SUGi, we will plant a 400 sq metre urban pocket forest - roughly the size of a tennis court - consisting of 1,400 native trees and shrubs in Dagenham. Pocket forests are 30x denser, and are 100x more biodiverse than conventional tree plantations. Plus the forest acts as a carbon sink - absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere - and is next to one of the most polluted roads in London.

As an added bonus, with the help of SUGi, we won’t only be supporting the environment, we’ll be empowering local forest makers. 



A Call To Action from COP26 President Alok Sharma

Salesforce UKI CEO, Zahra Bahrololoumi shared the amazing news that Salesforce is a partner of COP26. This global climate event takes place during a critical time when it’s more crucial than ever to bring together government, business, and community leaders to increase action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Our surprise guest, COP26 President Alok Sharma, called on all businesses to support climate action: “The next United Nations conference, COP26 which we are holding in glasgow in November, must be the moment that every country, every business and every part of society embraces their responsibility to protect our planet.” 

Our sponsorship is part of the company’s broader commitment to mobilise the climate action movement and demonstrate how digital transformation can help address climate change and we are so proud to be involved in this way.

Sustainability at the ‘Core’ with Clare Smyth

Last but certainly not least, we had the chance to hear from a world renowned chef - which as a foodie, is a huge deal! To close out the day, Clare Smyth, the only British female to hold 3 Michelin stars in the UK, and owner of the restaurant Core, joined Zahra for a fireside chat on sustainability.

Clare embodies our theme of “rethink the possible” -- sustainability has been part of the vision of her restaurant Core from the start. Whether carefully selecting her suppliers to ensure they match her lofty sustainability goals, creating a sustainable menu, or significantly reducing food waste in the kitchen - Clare is thinking about every element of her business through the lens of sustainability. 

She gave us a few tips for at home -- first and foremost establishing the basic kitchen skills that will enable us to all be better home chefs (or at least try). Once we have the basics, the ability to unlock creativity, reduce waste, and save money all become easier. Planning your week and menu so you buy only what you need, is a great way to cut costs and reduce potential waste. Clare shared that one of her favourite things to do when there is no food left in the house is to look in the cupboards and see what she can make with what's around (although I think we can safely assume Clare’s meal might be just a bit better than our own). 

And while, sadly, we can’t all eat at Core, we can take a leaf (pun intended!) out of Clare’s book and lean into her approach. Creativity and intentionality are lessons we can bring into our daily decisions, jobs, and beyond. 

Be adventurous and explore new ingredients. Clare shared the example of the humble vegetable Celeriac, probably not anyone’s favourite vegetable, but one which can be prepared in so many different ways, including as a soup, mashed and even roasted. Such a simple and easy way of using a vegetable to its maximum potential. 

In closing, Clare articulated why each of the decisions in her business are so important: “My move, moves another, so every good move you make, moves and helps someone else.” Our decisions have ripple effects and by making thoughtful choices, we can all be agents of positive change. 

As Clare shared, it’s not a choice between preserving the environment and creating a just world - the two are complementary. By being more thoughtful and pausing to, yes you guessed it, “rethink the possible” we’ll often find we have the solutions at our fingertips. 



That's a wrap

So, that’s a wrap for Salesforce Live: UK & Ireland! We had a blast bringing sustainability to life and taking you on the journey with us. If you missed the event, do watch the replay and catch up on all the awesome keynotes and sessions for every industry and role. 

If you would like to learn more about our sustainability initiatives, please visit For detailed information on our commitment to 100M trees visit and support a project.