Kaelan Moss is a Marketing Cloud Programme Director at Revolent. We caught up with Kaelan to find out about his career story and what it means to be a Salesforce Marketing Champion. 


What’s your backstory?

When I was growing up, I lived for sport – from playing football to running track. I actually got an athletics scholarship to the University of Oklahoma and made Team USA. But I also needed a skill that would last a lifetime – and that’s how I ended up working in tech. I did a Masters degree in data science and realised it was going to be a hot topic.


Tell us about your Salesforce journey

I am very much an accidental admin! I started an internship with a Salesforce consultancy in 2017 on the recommendation of a friend. It really opened my eyes to the opportunities in the industry. I’ve been on one amazing journey since then and now have five Salesforce certifications as a Specialist, Administrator, and Consultant.


How did you become a Salesforce trainer?

I lost my job at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and decided to shift from implementing Salesforce projects to teaching the next generation of Trailblazers. I joined Revolent, which creates and places global talent to help address the global cloud skills gap, and am now the Marketing Cloud Programme Director. I develop and deliver training to help people gain their Marketing Cloud certifications and support them as their careers progress. I love seeing people go from zero to hero as they gain more knowledge.


Why are you so passionate about upskilling?

I know a lot of people that have been held back because they didn’t have access to the right knowledge. By sharing my Salesforce skills, I’ve been able to help my mum and sister become certified Marketing Cloud Administrators. As a result, my mum has been able to quit her poorly paid 60-hours per week job in retail and start a new career that will give her more choice and less stress.

I want to help people improve their situation – an education can have a massive impact on someone’s financial and mental wellbeing. I want my whole community to be empowered by learning about Salesforce. I am now teaching myself Spanish so I can reach a bigger audience in the future. I want to empower people so they can leave a legacy for future generations.


What made you decide to specialise in Marketing Cloud?

It’s a really cool solution and I wanted to upskill other people so they could add value to their careers and their organisations. I have used Trailhead to the max to learn about Marketing Cloud and have completed nearly 200 badges. I decided to supplement the free trails from Salesforce by creating the MinuteAdmin channel on YouTube where I share tutorial videos and answer questions about Marketing Cloud. I’ve got nearly 1,500 followers around the world and it’s helping to change lives. I am amazed and humbled that it’s had such a big impact.

Now that I am a Salesforce Marketing Champion, I want to inspire more people; following a career in technology should be as cool and popular as becoming a basketball player. Young people need Trailblazers that they can look up to.


What does being a Salesforce Marketing Champion mean to you?

It’s great to be able to connect with other people that share your mission around giving back. As part of the Marketing Champions Program, I’ll get to harness my skills as a mentor, an innovator, and an agent for change. It’s all about pushing society forward. Wealth needs to be more evenly distributed around the world, so everyone can lead a better life.


What advice do you have for other Trailblazers?

Make sure you use your time wisely. If you want to follow a certain path, then you need to push yourself in that direction because no one else will. And if there’s an obstacle holding you back, overcome it by tackling it head on, whether that means challenging yourself to do more presentations or write more blogs. People tend to focus on their losses rather than their wins; find a way to celebrate your successes and it will help you think more positively. You either win or you learn, you never lose.