Salesforce is committed to establishing a culture of equality and justice for all. To recognise Black History Month this October, in the UK & Ireland, we wanted to document the experiences of some of our employees to share their stories and highlight how they are empowered to excel, succeed and achieve their goals.


Stephanie Vitols, Director, Sales Development



“I believe that we can improve the state of humanity by putting people at the centre of development. This is my life mission. #Salesforce has made equality a core value, and in doing this, has helped shatter the glass ceiling relentlessly. No one is left behind, and that is what it’s all about, which is something I really appreciate.

#BlackHistoryMonth to me, is more than just an event. It’s a heart and soul milestone achieved by a value-driven organisation which has been learning by doing. I’m so thankful to BOLDforce, Salesforce’s black employee resource group, who together with our allies has helped in laying the foundation of a great workplace through small, simple and yet very powerful acts to promote diversity and inclusion. It promotes the expansion and empowerment of the Salesforce black community, and I am very grateful to be part of it.“


Eyerusaliem Gebrezgi, Success Engineer Senior:



For me, Black History Month is a month where we embrace black culture and celebrate black success around the world.

Salesforce is a place that not only embraces difference, but creates a safe environment to educate and have open conversations about important topics such as race, sexual orientation, gender equality, and religion. BOLDForce’s goal is not just to be a safe place for black employees to feel empowered and voice their opinions but also to help create relationships with external organisations that aim to uplift black communities within Ireland through different programs.

I enjoy working in Salesforce because the work culture allows me to be my authentic self. I am fortunate enough to be leading the Dublin BOLDForce Philanthropy team. The process of building partnerships with non-profit organisations and helping elevate our black communities in Ireland has allowed me to grow professionally, build my personal brand as well as grow my network both within Salesforce and outside the company. Salesforce’s commitment to its employees, especially those who have experienced inequality or prejudice, is really admirable and I’m very grateful to be a part of it.


Muna Ebongalame, Regional Vice President - Success Engagement:



“Life before Salesforce taught me that I’d be judged in so many ways before I’d have the opportunity to articulate my position. Today, I work within — the social impact centre of Salesforce —building powerful technology for, and with, nonprofits, schools and philanthropic organisations. I’m truly proud and privileged to help solve some of our most challenging societal problems with these organisations and our products. Salesforce’s position in attempting to build a future that works for everyone is pivotal in helping make the world a fairer place.

Additionally, in my role as an Executive Advisor for BOLDforce UK, I’m able to further support and guide a team of highly motivated and gifted individuals who are growing as leaders and who look like me. As a business leader, constantly being the “only” in a space is isolating in so many ways. However, I draw great comfort, pride and sense of belonging by seeing faces similar to mine occupy these spaces. My hope is that seeing representation in these roles will encourage future leaders to dream bigger and climb higher, with no barriers to their trajectory of growth. This visibility is such an important part of what Black History Month is about.

BOLDforce gives me hope that business through its platform, can help effect real change. The actions of people coming first and embedding philanthropy in our DNA are essential forces for systemic change. Whilst there’s an incredible amount of work to do, both BOLDforce and the awareness work around #BlackHistoryMonth gives me hope that as a community, we’re endeavouring collectively to galvanise and represent the underrepresented. “


Fantagbè Traore, Account Executive (President BOLDforce Dublin):



For me, working in a company like Salesforce that promotes #Equality makes me extremely proud. It has given me the opportunity to work with amazing people among BOLDforce, which is an employee-led group dedicated to broadening and empowering the Black Community within #Salesforce. As the President of BOLDforce I have the chance to work with passionated people who like me, are willing to make a difference. And that’s not just the leaders of these resource groups, but the fantastic members and allies as well.

To make that difference, we lead initiatives such as mentoring programs, meetings with Black business owners, authors, artists, historians and the list goes on. We aim to create awareness around Black cultures and what it is to be part of an underrepresented group everyday.

Doing this, I also have the chance to work closely with the Dublin leadership Team to give feedback to try make us a better and more diverse company. Being an active member of an employee resource group has definitely become as important to me as succeeding in my job and I’m very grateful for these opportunities!


Karen Mathieu, Success Guide:



"Black History Month for me is a beautiful time for people to come together, learn, and celebrate the rich heritage of a wide array of African cultures. It's also a great opportunity to promote diversity by inspiring and driving change in our community for people in #Salesforce and our allies.

This cause is especially dear to my heart as I come from a mixed background, part French Caribbean, part Senegalese. Given this fact, diversity was my reality as a kid. Growing up, I thought that this would be the case everywhere, but I quickly learned the hard way that this wasn't so.

Luckily, Salesforce provides a platform for black employees to elevate their voices and develop their careers through a supportive network of allies across the company. BOLDforce is a chance for me to be actively part of the change by giving back to the community and a voice to the underrepresented.“


Chimezie Anosike, Digital Marketing Apprentice:



"There was definitely a chip on my shoulder whilst navigating the expectations of success in my life. As a third generation Black Nigerian British teenager, there was almost a default pathway created for me. There was almost a preconceived idea of what achievement and ‘making it’ looked like. I was always told that I needed to go to university, get a degree and if it was up to my parents, go for a masters and a Phd as well. I think that anything contrary to that would have been received with doubt, fear and question.

I could understand this reasoning and logic completely. It’s a known saying in the black community that you have to work ‘twice or three times as hard’ to be at an equal playing field with others. So when I first raised the idea of wanting to do an apprenticeship to my family, there was a mix of reactions - from support and excitement to fear and panic. I knew that if I went with the ‘traditional’ route, that I wasn’t doing it for me, but for them.

I had to make the best decision for myself, and when applying for a Digital Marketing role at #Salesforce, I seen that two of their core values were #Equality and Innovation. This really encouraged me to commit and push myself to get the role because it really resonated with my situation. Being at this company has been such a privilege and a pleasure because I’ve been able to partake in meaningful projects that the company constructs (including this one, as part of #BlackHistoryMonth). Since being at Salesforce, I’ve really been able to express myself, grow, and develop. But most importantly, feel comfortable in my own skin."

Stories such as these reinforce Salesforce’s commitment to racial equality and justice. Spaces and cooperate platforms such as Boldforce UK, the Equality and Justice Taskforce and resource groups that the company has integrated ultimately lays a solid foundation for a great workplace and a diverse company.

Learn about Salesforce’s commitment to Racial Equality and Justice: