Connected. Not exactly the word I anticipated describing my virtual Salesforce internship with, but I’m sure my fellow Futureforce interns across Europe would agree with me on that one! I’ll admit that at first, I was a bit apprehensive about working from my room all summer, however I was pleasantly surprised by the amazing program that Salesforce pulled together in such a short window.

The 16th of June seems like it was just yesterday, but I am very proud of the amount we have managed to achieve in the last two months. Here are my top three highlights that really prove Salesforce is both championing the way through this ‘new normal’ as well as investing in the workforce of tomorrow.



1. Meaningful Relationships

The best thing about a company like Salesforce is that you are surrounded by some of the most talented and passionate people in the industry; so there is always a lot to learn from those around you!

Both my immediate team and the Futureforce team really encouraged me to network, and the people I encountered honestly couldn’t have been more open. I was really taken aback by how willing everyone was to help me at each stage of my journey, regardless of their level - I was an equal, not just an intern. There was no hierarchical complex at all, and that was really refreshing. 


2. Trust & Responsibility

From day one, I was trusted with really meaningful projects to work on, work that actually made a difference to the business. I was also asked to share regular feedback and to share my opinions, which were always supported and encouraged.

I feel like I actually had an impact on Salesforce, which may not always be the case with internships. They really foster a culture of calculated risks. It’s about pushing yourself and showing initiative; and either celebrating victories or learning from defeats. 





3. Fun

Throughout the 10 week internship, Salesforce hosted an array of creative and engaging events which really ensured that, despite working remotely, we still got to enjoy the social aspects of working together.

Of course the work was important, but there was an emphasis on finding a balance between work and mindfulness. From yoga and virtual coffee mornings, to painting and escape rooms, they really had an amazing program for us.

We also had a lot of speakers from across the business - influencial leadership figures from across Europe and America, who really gave inspiring insights into their careers and got me excited for my own.

Challenging times really do shed light on a company’s true values, and Salesforce have really impressed me over the last ten weeks with how they have still managed to thrive as a company and ensure employee growth.


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