As the country begins to move into the second phase of safely reopening offices, warehouses and workplaces, many of our customers are asking how they can safely get back in business and reimagine their business offering to respond to the new normal. To help answer these questions, we hosted a webinar to reflect on how one of the UK’s largest Energy & Utilities companies, United Utilities, harnessed the power of myTrailhead in preparing to bring its workforce back safely, at speed and scale.


Reskilling and upskilling employees

Jo Nixon, Deployment Lead at United Utilities, discussed the previous challenges of embedding complex new processes with employees while trying to avoid the need to bring them away from their regular workplace for training. After using myTrailhead, they learned it had never been easier for their teams to deliver updated guidance and training that was easily and remotely accessible to everyone in the organisation. 

A large component in your COVID response will likely be retraining some of your employees in other areas of your business to better suit the sudden change in needs. With a surge in employees working from home, you’ll also likely need to update training modules to ensure staff feel confident when adapting to change. 

It may well be the case that training modules in your business are negatively impacting staff productivity by pulling employees from their workload and the learning is outdated and irrelevant, unnecessarily slow and doesn’t engage teams. Learning is a critical element of developing and engaging your team, now more than ever, and by developing effective learning modules using myTrailhead, you can engage your team and enhance their skills to help prepare them for the new normal ahead of their return to work. 

Jo explained during the webinar that myTrailhead was so engaging and accessible for United Utilities employees that an astounding 96% of their 2000 employees were fully trained on their modules. In fact, many enjoyed the learning opportunity so much that they overperformed and completed extra training, which opened up more exciting opportunities for Nixon and her team to drive up staff productivity and equip teams with consistent, relevant and up-to-date knowledge. 


Safely returning employees to work 

Teams at United Utilities were so impressed with the outstanding employee engagement after using myTrailhead that they added health and wellness video modules to help spread awareness of new COVID-secure policies, such as using hand sanitiser, following one way systems and using assigned desks. By using myTrailhead, United Utilities were able to serve relevant content to the right teams, whether they’re in the field or the office, so employees only complete the learning they need to. 

During the webinar, Jo also described how United Utilities are planning to begin to harness the power of Process Builder to deliver a seamless and consistent onboarding experience for learning modules on myTrailhead. 

You can learn more about how United Utilities used the power of myTrailhead to deliver compelling, engaging and personalised training modules to 2000 employees by catching up on the webinar here or learn more about how myTrailhead could revolutionise how you train your employees here.