This week at Salesforce Tower in London, we welcomed visitors to join us for the Week of Innovation to catch-up on all the latest news and announcements from Dreamforce. In this article you will find the top session recordings from Wednesday 14th  November - the theme of the day was "Activate Customer Relationships in Financial Services". 


Extending CRM Beyond Front Office into Middle and Back Office 


Increased costs, regulatory change and poor client experiences are some of the challenges forcing Corporate and Investment Banking Institutions to re-think their processes and their technology. Legacy systems struggle to adapt to modern banking demands, in a world that requires innovation, scalability and resilience. Join this session to hear how Salesforce platform solutions are expanding beyond the front office into middle and back office processes and workflows.


Going at the Speed of a Startup: How Salesforce Helps Fintechs to go Faster


Thousands of innovators have apperead in the Financial Services space. Their mission is to radically rethink the financial services customer experience in B2C and B2B. They are all different as each of them is trying to find its own unique way of building a differentiating proposition, simplifying the customer experience and creating a winning business model. One thing they seem to have in common, when it comes to customer engagement 70% of them use Salesforce. Join this session to hear from the direct experience of Fintech customers how Salesforce is helping them to go faster, to scale quickly and to maintain efficiency.


Creating a Seamless Journey Across Channels for your Insurance Customers


Historically, the insurance industry has had low levels of customer engagement. Today, insurers are forced to evolve from “payers” to “partners” focussing on continuous engagement and customer journeys and will need to re-think their role as part of an ecosystem of players. This can only be possible if they are able to seamlessy join the dots across the entire customer journey: from marketing to sales activities, from claims to providing ancillary services. Join this session to hear how Salesforce can make this easier for insurers.


Einstein AI: How New Insights Can Lead Your Sales Process


Artificial intelligence fuels the 4th Industrial Revoution has enormous potential but Financial Services are still based on personal trust and relationships. Augmented Intelligence, the combinantion of the human element with the power of the machines, can help to dramatically improve efficiency, identify non-obvious opportunities and get more engaged customer and employees. Join this session to hear how Einstein intelligent capabilities can change the way of working with CRM in Financial Services, putting the machine at the service of your employees and customers, not vice-versa.


Please visit our Financial Services industry solutions page to find out more.