If you've been on Twitter lately, you'll have likely seen some buzz around the #blazeatrailcontest hashtag! (No idea what that is? Read this blog post)

A week ago today we put our three finalists forward on Twitter to a public poll and what's happened since then has been nothing short of remarkable! The buzz, engagement, community involvement and active campaigning of the finalists has been exciting and so much fun to watch. 

And boy was it close! As of last night, with less than 24hrs remaining, there was just a single percentage point between the two leaders. Edge of your seat stuff. 


And the winner is... 

There could be only one winner (no matter how many times the community asked us to "send all 3 of them"!) so please join me and everyone at Salesforce in a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Cristina Bran


With 49% of the 3,096 votes, Cristina is our winning contestant and will be joining us for a VIP trip to Dreamforce in San Francisco in September, where she will be the social media ambassador for the UK & Ireland Salesforce community. 

If her campaigning and original entry are anything to go by, it will be an entertaining story for sure!


A special mention to our runners-up

A great contest wouldn't be a great contest without strong competition and I'd like to personally thank and congratulate all 27 of our entrants, but especially Rob Arnell and Julia Doctoroff who battled for that winning spot in the poll with Cristina. 

Both of your entries were full of creativity and story-telling-a-plenty, and you are both such valued members of the community. Hopefully you can still find a way to make it to Dreamforce (3-way-selfie incoming!). 


What now? 

After a nice sit down and a cup of tea to get over the excitement, the next step will be to start planning our upcoming trip to Dreamforce and plotting all the fun things we'll ask Cristina to report on. Look out for details in the coming months and weeks for how you can get involved in that. 

And finally, a heartfelt thank you to the entire community who joined us at World Tour London, watched the entries online, voted in the poll, campaigned for their friends and colleagues - this would never have worked without all your engagement and enthusiasm. See you on the road to Dreamforce!