Caroline Pic's journey started as a Salesforce Sales Cloud customer, now she's part of the #SalesforceOhana as a Solution Engineer in Berlin. Learn more about her journey to Salesforce and find out what valuable advice she received during the recruitment process..


Where did you start out?

I graduated with a Masters of Science in Web-Marketing & International Project Management, in Sophia-Antipolis, A.K.A the French Silicon Valley. After my studies and over the last 8 years, I've gained experience in International Project Management, Digital Marketing, Sales and Key Account Management. I've always been interested in the various techniques used to reach customers utilising information technology. It's amazing to see how companies develop touch points with customers to deliver specific content to targeted audiences, with the right product, at the right time and at the right price!

Why Solution Engineering?

Prior to joining the #SalesforceOhana, I was a Salesforce Sales Cloud customer. First, as a Sales and Key Account Manager, where I'd store customer data, organize my tasks, log my calls, update my leads and opportunities etc.

And second, as the Team Leader of Sales and Key Account Managers, where I became involved in the reporting and dashboards capabilities of the platform. I was always part of various internal projects and it just so happened, the most engaging project was working with our Salesforce Administrator, getting a glimpse into the backstage of Salesforce for the Sales Department.

I addressed the needs of the team in terms of page layout display, fields, validation rule, approval process, reports and dashboards functionalities, mailing etc. (at that time, I didn´t know about this terminology). Step by step, my interest to build the perfect solution for our needs became crucial. My goal was to remove manual and low-level tasks from our Sales team, including myself, to be able to really dedicate time to our customers.

I realised Salesforce could solve for an array of needs, not just the one I had partnered with the Salesforce Administrator to solve. So, I decided to apply as Solution Engineer at Salesforce in Berlin to learn more about the products. Together with my commercial and project management background, I was sure this position would allow me to enhance my scope of knowledge from another angle.

After 9 months as a Solution Engineer, I realise I only knew less than 5% of the Salesforce potential and capabilities. There is much to discover using our learning platform, Trailhead but also from a variety of people internally. I am constantly evolving within this fast-paced environment. It´s not easy every day, but if you're like me, you'll enjoy the challenge of learning a completely new job, understanding the products, the organization, the process, the industry, the competitors, and getting to know the people!

In parallel, I enjoy participating in different volunteering activities. This experience is challenging in itself in that I am within a male dominant and German environment (French being my mother tongue). But it's such a pleasure bringing a bit of colour and female flair in my outfits at work, with a high appreciated French accent, while being recognized for who you are and the aim of the team to teach you new skills. Last but not least, what a pleasure to attend a cooking team event and being the only woman in the kitchen! Time is definitely changing!


Why Salesforce?

At the beginning of 2017, I'd been contacted by a recruiter to talk about opportunities at Salesforce as an Account Executive. I was curious and didn´t really know what to expect, but due to my interested in Salesforce solutions, I jumped on the call. After a few minutes, we felt it wasn't the next step in my career, I wanted to evolve beyond my previous experiences.

So why not do my own research? I visited the career website to learn about other opportunities and to fully understand the company´s profile and culture. A few keywords and values caught my attention and I just had to know more; 'fast-paced' 'environment', 'develop new personal skills', 'social enterprise', 'focus on customers‘ needs'.

It was also clear that Salesforce employees had a true belief that the right technology can solve any problem. Last but not least, Salesforce wants their employees to enjoy free time with their family. All of these things attracted me and just a few hours later, my application for the role as “Solution Engineering” was sent.

My personal story with Salesforce started at that moment. The day after, I was contacted by the recruiting team. Already, I was amazed by the process and was grateful to receive advice and recommendations for my next call with the Senior Director of Solution Engineering.

The biggest piece of advice and one I will never forget was “Miss Pic, stay as you are. Stay authentic”. This was the first time ever during a recruitment process, where I felt that the recruiter really cared and wanted me to be comfortable expressing who I am as a person and not only show what skills I possess to 'tick the box' against the role requirements.

Just a few days later, I met the Vice President of Solution Engineering in person. And I can tell you this, I left that meeting with a big smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach. This meeting was confirmation of all the great things I heard before. I had proof that the keywords and values that initially attracted me was reflected in the people I spoke with.

From there, in my mind, it was set. I was willing to run the extra mile and prepare my best panel interview. My motto during the process was “Don´t go back home without getting that job - you want it, you can do it, you do it!”. A few days later, I received and signed my first electronic contract. So, did Salesforce choose me or did I choose Salesforce? I guess we found each other, at the right time, at the right place. Is it your time now?


Know someone who’d be the perfect addition to the #SalesforceOhana? Click here.


Quick facts about me: 

  • I was born and I grew-up with my parents, little brother and sister in Cannes, France and I moved to Berlin, Germany, 9 years ago - the city I have always worked in and where I have fell in love.
  • Reading, scrap-booking, jogging, going to fitness and meeting with my best friends are important to me.
  • I love being surrounded by international people (I guess this is the reason why I love learning new languages including English, Italian, German)
  • One of my beliefs is based on “Serendipity” (meaning “pleasant surprise”). It applies quite well to me and my story with Salesforce.