Bhargavi Nanjundappa didn't always have an interest in technology until she discovered Salesforce. Curiosity evolved into passion, and now she's blazing a trail to success in Sweden as a Solution Architect. Here's her story...


How did your Salesforce adventure begin?

If you're reading this blog, there's a good chance you're interested in innovation and technology, like me.

However, I didn’t have this interest until I was introduced to the world of Salesforce.

8 years ago I decided to switch my career path from working on Java-based applications in the manufacturing domain to cloud computing. What initially started off as pre-sales engagement, building prototypes and presenting the journey to the cloud using various cloud-based applications, quickly evolved into harnessing CRM cloud-based applications.

In order to learn all things Salesforce, I started with the basics - a lot of self-study and exercises (at that time there was no Trailhead!) and learning from actual project implementations. The more I learned, the more I realised how powerful the platform is. And from a mere curiosity, it became a passion.

It was clear that tech was the right industry for me. I can work in an environment that is constantly changing, where I can learn something new every day and never have the same day twice!


Why did you chose to be a Solution Architect?

It's the diversity and the change that I like most about being a Solution Architect - it just never gets boring. Every customer is different, even within the same industry. They each have different goals, conditions and challenges. As a Solution Architect it's essential to fully understand each individual customer and to deliver a solution that will add value to their business.

For me, I feel the greatest reward when I come to the end of the journey, after facing the core challenges and helping my customer understand how the Salesforce platform could help them. As a Trusted Advisor, to partner with my customers to drive the digital transformation and truly make an impact, makes the journey worth its while.

And now, here I am, part of an amazing team, constantly challenging myself, learning new skills and adding product knowledge to present to our customers!



Tell us about the CSG organisation at Salesforce

The Customer Success Group (CSG) is an integral part of Salesforce ensuring that we set up the customer for success in all aspects of their digital transformation journey. As part of the CSG organisation you are always striving to deliver excellence and weigh quality first. Working with different parts of the organisation and having constant support from the product innovation and development team you start to build skills and knowledge that hold value to your customer, extended team, or different parts of the organisation.

The other way round, there are always people to help you out, and show you how they have either overcome certain gaps in their knowledge or skills, or to simply have a chat over a cup of coffee to discuss the challenges of the job and possible career moves.


Why Salesforce, why now?

Where do I start? From a technology perspective, it's constantly evolving and we continue to innovate and push the boundaries every year.

What's more, it's the personal things like the 'Ohana' culture. You'll feel like you're contributing to something much bigger, and making a difference to the world. I am proud to be part of a company that encourages you to give back to the community. Through our philanthropic 1-1-1 model, Salesforce give 1% of their profit, 1% of their product and 1% of their time to the community.

We are empowered to spend 7 days per year with a charity of our choice to make an impact to other's lives. Education is one of the most important causes that I believe in so I spend my volunteering time mentoring underprivileged students back in India. Once you've experienced giving back to a community you are passionate about, you'll know the true meaning of 'Ohana'.

Lastly, working as part of the EMEA North team with some of the most amazing and talented colleagues has been enriching. I am lucky to be part of a team with great managers and mentors who are always there to support and guide me.

See what our Ohana across Europe say it's like to work at Salesforce...


Quick facts about me:

  • I'm born and raised in Bangalore. Lived in Seattle, Stuttgart and now in Stockholm.
  • As a fun fact, I feel at home anywhere in the world as my mother lives in India and my siblings across the US and Australia
  • I enjoy traveling, training and practicing yoga & meditation

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