Every summer, hard-working university students descend upon Salesforce to take part in our Futureforce internship program. These diverse students come from schools across the globe to take on meaningful projects that will ultimately impact how our business runs. 

Their presence provides us with fresh and innovative new ideas, in addition to unique insights on this next generation. But we were curious to learn what they found to be the most valuable part of their experience at Salesforce. 


Phillippine Domange, an 2017 intern in our Dublin hub, was happy to share her story in this Q&A


Tell us a little about your start at Salesforce

I joined Salesforce with a co-hort of interns coming from Europe and the United States of America in Salesforce’s EMEA headquarters in Dublin. We were part of a rotation program where half of us spent four and a half weeks in the Business Development team, while the others were sent to different departments (Marketing, Strategy, Employee Success, Finance, Solution Engineering, Sales Programs) and then we swapped.

Thanks to my different team mentors, I was able to be integrated in each team very quickly and to work on their projects with the constant objective of learning new tools and techniques. Through this rotation I was able to really experience the #SalesforceOhana culture.


What were some highlights about your internship experience?

I learned something new everyday; learning is key at Salesforce. Every day before leaving the office, each of us had to fill out a form answering what we did, what we learned, what were the positive and negatives aspects of our day. This helped me to quantify how much I learned, and to see how I progressed throughout my three months at Salesforce. 

A key moment of my internship occurred when we switched from one department to the next and were given a project based on finding new sponsors for students living in the Kibagare slum, in Nairobi, Kenya leveraging Salesforce tools. Each team presented their results in front of the EMEA President!


What advice would you give others who may be interested in applying for a Futureforce internship?

Make time to learn about the Salesforce culture. I recommend taking the time to have a look at one of Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff's speeches, as well as some customer success stories. Having them as references will help you to understand the culture, the products and why this company is considered a best company to work for by Fortune Magazine.

My experience at Salesforce gave me the opportunity to grow professionally and personally and meet incredible people.  I am incredibly grateful for this experience, and if given the opportunity to do it again, I definitely would. 

Apply today to join our EMEA Hub as a Futureforce Intern! Click here to apply