Scared? You shouldn’t be…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, at this point in time, is an enabler for a whole host of advancements in the way we live our lives.

Much like how the manufacturing industry benefited from the techniques associated with Henry Ford’s production line. And how the regular updating of the technologies associated with these production methods continues to create efficiencies.

Or how the introduction of robotics has enhanced the footprint of a host of industries from shipping, to construction and even into the home.

It is clear that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is in full swing. But what does that mean for most of us? And more importantly, our jobs? 


Will robots take my job?

I came across a cool website a few days ago, where you can find out how susceptible your job is to computerisation:

It adds a bit of fun to the topic, but with an equally informative view of how robotics could change the industry in which your expertise is based.

The stance on robotics here can become quite a sorry story depending which industry you sit in - some naturally more impacted than others. The fear could set in amongst many of us. But why?

I wonder what this looked like throughout the prior industrial revolutions. When robotics first appeared in their simpler forms. Fears would have been equally as strong, if not stronger. After all, much less was known about the technology back then. Yet now, we tend to have a firm grasp, or at least the visionaries do, of what the future holds for a number of industries and roles.


Disruption occurs and many of us embrace it.

The purpose behind this blog post is to outline that we have been through all of this before. We have feared that our careers will be displaced and we will be left on the trash heap and forced to re-skill. Forced to change.

Forced change in itself creates fear. Resistance occurs.

But what happened when robots took our jobs last time?

We adapted. We became the engineers. We became the people who made the robots. We became the people who programmed them. We became the people who fundamentally took advantage of them.

We made them make our life easier.

To increase efficiencies. To decrease stresses and strains. We worked with them.

Much of the same will follow. 

Yes, of course there will be disruption - there almost always is following change. But the winners are always those that embrace it. The winners are those who learn to adapt and take advantage of the technology.

Artificial Intelligence will see robots operate on a much more human-like level. The technology will become more proactive than reactive.

Now the real question to ask yourself if you are worried about the future of AI and Robotics, is: “How can I adapt to better take advantage of the ever improving technology?”


AI for CRM 

Of course, here at Salesforce we are laser-focused on how AI will impact the role of the salesperson, or how AI can help drive effiicencies in customer service. To get a good overview of how AI is impacting thees important customer facing roles, I recommend you download a copy of this AI for CRM e-book

This blog post has been written and is owned by Stephen Baines. For more snippets on innovation, technology and generally geeky stuff, follow me on Twitter (@baines1986)