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Today we are going behind the scenes with Dawn Chisholm, Recruitment Coordinator - a very fast moving and busy role with an incredible amount of new roles and positions being actively worked on at any one time. Over to you, Dawn...

06:45: I wake up to waves crashing against the shore via my iPhone - a gentle alarm to set me up for the day.

07:00: I’m up, dressed and downstairs getting myself ready while watching BBC News to check what’s happening in the world, is there any traffic that’s going to disrupt my journey?

08:00: I’ve left the house and am on my way to the Staines office. The flexible working arrangements at Salesforce are brilliant - I can switch between our amazing Salesforce Tower office in London, or our local Staines office, and also have the option to work from home when needed. 

08.30: Each morning I will have a bowl of porridge to kick start my day (just one of the many healthy (and some not-so-healthy!) snacks and treats we're provided. I’ll whiz through my emails before I start receiving interview scheduling tasks from the Recruiters I look after.

09:15: I will check my calendar to see what meetings I have during the day so I can start planning how to attack my forecasted work load. The Recruitment Coordinator role is very reactive so it can be hard to plan the day as every day is so different - something I thrive on! I will also use this time to read and share some posts on Salesforce Social Ambassadors - a fab social media repository that our marketing team pack full of quality content for anyone at Salesforce to easily share, schedule and engage with.

09:45: I will usually have had contact with the majority of my Recruiters by now so I will start to work on the tasks in my list from the previous day, then I will start to action any new tasks that have come in. I aim to get myself up and moving around at least once an hour whether that’s to grab a drink, to go to the bathroom or to just network within the office. I also target myself to drink at least 2L in the working day to keep hydrated.

12:30: Break time! I will normally go out with my team mates for a walk around the river in Staines to get our steps up on our Fitbugs/Fitbits! I visit Ari at the Tea Boat Project (a community initiative which is currently taking place behind the Staines office) once a week to see how he and the team are getting on and to view the progress they are making. A walk in the middle of the day refreshes me and re-energises me for the afternoon ahead.

13:15: Time to eat some lunch while checking my personal phone for any messages.

13:30: Back to tasks – I will again action any emails I’ve received since I’ve been away from my desk then I will get on with any new tasks I’ve been issued with. Usually the afternoons are busiest for me, but as things change so quickly throughout the day I can never really predict what’s going to happen!

14:00: Twice a week I block out time to complete some Trailheads to help develop my knowledge. Trailhead is the new, fun way to learn everything about Salesforce. I find one hour a week is a perfect amount of time to learn and understand about areas across the whole business. 

14:30: I always try to fit in 15 minutes of Chatter checking each day to see what other employees are talking about. I find this a great way to keep up to date with current events in Salesforce and to get myself signed up for anything up and coming. I really enjoy the Women in Tech events, so I will always ensure to check Twitter regularly as well to see when these events are taking place.

15:00: Time to get back to my tasks, making sure I check our team dashboard and offer help to busier RCs where necessary. Our team work very closely together to make sure we support each other's work loads, so in turn we are as efficient as possible for our customers (candidates, Recruiters, Hiring Managers, interviewers).

16:45: It’s the last 45 minutes of my working day so I tend to wrap things up as much as I can – reply to all of my emails, ask my Recruiters if there’s anything else they need me to action before I leave for the day and check that everything is actioned in my task box.

18:00: I get home and get my lunch prepared for tomorrow.

18:30: Gym time! I go to the gym a minimum of 4 times a week and will train alone or sometimes participate in classes such as Circuits, Body Conditioning and Bokwa to keep engaged with the local fitness community.

20:00: Dinner is usually prepared over the weekend so I will throw this into the microwave (if my other half hasn’t done so already) and will prepare the extra veggies/sides.

21:30: We settle down to watch an episode of a TV series for an hour. I usually don’t look at my phone once the TV goes on, so will silence it before I sit down for the evening.

22:30: Up to bed to get ready for sleep. I will usually take 15 minutes to fully switch off with the help of a good book or magazine.

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