Ever wondered what it’s like to work at Salesforce EMEA? We’re introducing you to some of our fantastic women in technology - check back to see more and visit our careers site to discover the #SalesforceOhana!

Today we heard from Niamh Lacy, who is responsible for the digital marketing actiivites for Salesforce.org - the world’s most innovative corporate philanthropy - in EMEA. Over to you, Niamh...

07:30: I kick off the day with my monthly call with the APAC programs team. There are some fantastic initiatives happening over there and I’m keen to make sure that we’re communicating these programs with our internal and external audiences. In India, a team of Salesforce volunteers just finished up a two day initiative, educating villagers in Karkihalli about hygiene practises and waste management - how cool is that?!

08:15: Breakfast time!

08:50: Quick check-in on the Salesforce.org social channels. Social Studio makes this really easy (and fun) to manage - even if I’m out and about, I can check in, engage and schedule posts from my mobile.

09:00: I catch up on some emails and review the landing page and email template for an event we’re hosting. We run a variety of events throughout the year from small gatherings, to Salesforce World Tour London which is the biggest event in the Salesforce.org EMEA calendar. There’s a lot of work that goes in to making sure our top nonprofit and higher education attendees and partners are taken care of at all of our events and meetings. 

09:30: I jump onto the weekly sales call to give a quick update about the upcoming event. 

10:00: I’m on the phone with Sarah, one of the Salesforce.org programs managers to discuss blogs and social media for an upcoming tech event we’re taking part in. We plan to have UX and HTML classes on the showcase day - it’s looking like a great event. Sarah and I are pretty in sync so we’re finished up quickly. 

10.30: Social media scheduling time. I always try to do this first thing, but tend to get sidetracked on a Monday. I don’t have a huge amount of time, so I just pop today and tomorrow’s posts in Social Studio.

11:00: I’ve a check in call with RNIB, our engagement partner from Salesforce World Tour London back in May. During the event, attendees had the opportunity to participate in a number of simulation activities to highlight the challenges, but also the opportunities, technology is bringing to the blind. It’s great to hear about the impact the event had on this wonderful organisation!

12:30: Break for lunch. I have a salad wrap and my 4th cup of tea of the day. Normally I take lunch with colleagues in the office, but seeing as I’m at home, I catch up on my own social media, and review a couple of to do lists that have been on the back burner for some time. It’s so great having the flexibility to work from home when needed. 

13:30: Weekly marketing catch up call. Salesforce.org’s marketing team is split between the UK and Ireland, and while we talk every day, the weekly meeting allows us to review plans more closely. We discuss our demand generation activities for the next couple of events in Europe.

14:30: After the marketing meeting, I jump into Pardot to review a list of email templates which we’re getting ready to send out in the morning. I spend this time making updates to ensure that the messaging resonates with our target audience. A varied audience means lots of templates!

16:00: Check-in with the Digital Director in the US. I try and connect with the team over there as much as possible to make sure we’re in-line with the global marketing strategy. We discuss website updates, localisation, web forms and upcoming content.

17:00: I take the time to get through some emails, set up some calls for later in the week and do a swoop through Chatter, our internal social network, and social channels.

17:30: Finished up work for the day. Would like to do some yoga, but end up doing more of a yawn like stretch for half an hour.

18:00: Dinner time!

19:00: Vegetation. I do absolutely nothing for an hour. We all need our downtime, right? 

20:00: I’m in the last stretch of a MSc so most of my evenings are spent working on projects. I’m building a travel planner mobile app so tonight I’m working on the prototype!

22:15: Into bed and watch an episode of House of Cards. I’m finally starting to be won over by it!

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