It has never been a more exciting time for innovation in customer service, as IoT first; mobile first; collaboration first and analytics first customer support solutions transform the customer experience. 

Consider a very simple scenario with your mobile or wifi enabled products that you use every day (at work, home or play) and what it would be like if those products could automatically flag technical issues with the vendor to resolve them before you even knew they were about to happen.

Think of the brands that you identify yourself with and why - is it their product, their brand or the customer service and experience they provide? How well do your chosen brands know you and how much effort do you as a consumer have to exert in order to gain the support you need?

The rules of customer engagement have changed - technological advancements and changes in the consumer decision journey are driving disruption in every market. In a world where every thing and every one is becoming more and more connected, delivering intelligent personalised end-to-end customer service to your customers, wherever and however they want it, is critical to remain competitive.

Today, people expect 1:1 personalised engagements that proactively support their wants and needs – their experience being a key deciding factor when choosing your products or brand versus your competition. 

Discover the new world of service at Salesforce World Tour London

To learn how you can stay ahead of the curve, take the opportunity to network with industry thought leaders, product experts and leading organisations who are transforming their customer service experiences at Salesforce World Tour London. 3 sessions worth joining to ensure you get the best return from your time invested include:  

1. Keynote: A New Era of Service for the Connected World

[1pm – Keynote Room] Customers want you to know them and they want the same experience no matter who they talk to or what channel they use to communicate with you. Learn how you can empower your agents with a 360-degree of your customer and the tools they need to deliver fast, proactive service. Hear from VAX as they share how they are using Service Cloud Lightning to drive smarter customer conversations, adopting an omni-channel approach and turning their Call Centre into a Profit Centre.

2. Customer Experience Thought Leadership with TribeCX: Approaches, Tools and Best Practices

[2pm Capital Suite Room 11] Join thought leader and Customer Experience consultant David Hicks, TribeCX, to learn what best practice customer experience looks like and the steps you can take to differentiate your business. Recognised as “one of the ten most influential executives in CX worldwide” (Gartner 2015), David has advised Senior Executive teams on customer-centred change across many industry sectors including financial services, telecoms, manufacturing, media, insurance, logistics, automotive, retail, publishing and technology. 

3. Transform the Complete Customer Experience with Field Service Lightning

[4pm – Room 2] A modern approach to field service, built for mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT). Join Chet Chauhan, VP Product management, to learn how you can now unite customers, connected devices, agents, dispatchers, and employees in the field with one powerful service platform to deliver a seamless customer experience from phone to field. 

For more information about these sessions and all of the other World Tour breakouts, check out the session abstracts. Make the most of your experience on the day and stop by the customer success expo to see how it is done – ask one of our product experts for a demo and start connecting with your customers in a whole new way! 

If you've not registered already, reserve your seat before it's too late.