If you're a marketer and you're free on Thursday 19th May, then you should be signing up for Salesforce World Tour London. It's FREE, it’s packed with incredible speakers, inspiring digital marketing content, educational tips, demos and training, and most of all you’ll be there with 1000s of your digital marketing peers. If you’ve already signed up, well done you! 

For all marketers attending Salesforce World Tour London, here are my 6 tips for a perfect day for marketers:

1. Get inspired by thought leaders from Aston Martin, BBC, Enclothed, Facebook and Salesforce

We've got a fantastic agenda in store for marketers, full of inspiring speakers. Our 'Marketing in the Age of the Customer' panel at 1pm in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud room includes speakers from BBC, Enclothed and The Gym Group. Our 4pm session is not to be missed either: hear the latest from Facebook and Salesforce on how we are reimagining marketing and customer acquisition together. And those are just the highlights. Check out all the Salesforce London World Tour breakout sessions here.

2. Make connections with peers and Salesforce Marketing Cloud experts and executives

We're not just here to inspire you, excite and educate you, but we're also here to interact and hear from you. The smartest minds in Salesforce and our ecosystem of partners will be on hand on the expo floor and in our executive experience lounge if you need to talk about your requirements in digital marketing and beyond. 

3. Learn about the latest innovations and customer stories in the Marketing Cloud keynote

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud keynote promises to be super exciting. We're bringing the latest announcements and innovations from Connections, the digital marketing event of the year. We'll have stories from customers such as, Capital One and Secret Escapes about how they are using Salesforce Marketing Cloud to build 1-to-1 customer journeys and transform their business in the age of the customer. Don't miss it at 2pm in the keynote room.

4. Hear how Facebook and Salesforce are reimagining marketing and customer acquisition

Salesforce and Facebook's partnership continues to thrive as we align to connect the customer journey and provide more relevant advertising and marketing experiences for customers.

Advertising is quickly moving from mass, impersonalised media, to personalised media at scale. In practice, what that means is that today, many marketers still try to show the right digital ads to the right people primarily with web cookies, an unreliable approach with extremely low engagement.

There is a much better way. Leveraging our truly connected world, Salesforce allows marketers to manage, segment, and synchronize their CRM with powerful advertising across Facebook and the mobile app ecosystem with the Facebook Audience Network. Also, by aligning Salesforce with Facebook Lead Ads, we are together vastly improving marketer’s ability to collect leads in real-time, while enhancing the mobile experience for customers.

In a study by Facebook and Salesforce, a leading online retailer combined email and Facebook advertising to reach 77% more of their audience than with email alone. Furthermore, they found that email openers reached with advertising were 22% more likely to purchase than those who weren’t.

You'll hear exactly how you can achieve such results and how we are working together with fascinating data, customer stories and speakers in our session at 4pm in the Marketing Cloud room.

5. Get the app and get with the programme

It's going to be a busy day with 42 breakouts, multiple keynotes and a huge expo floor with demos, theatres, trailhead, Salesforce.org and so much more. Make sure you download our Salesforce events app and build your agenda for the day. Here's what I'd recommend for marketers:

  • 08:45 - 09:25 How Salesforce Uses Marketing Cloud
  • 10:00 - 11:30 Salesforce Keynote with special guests
  • 13:00 - 13:40 Marketing in the Age of the Customer - a Panel Discussion with BBC, Enclothed and the gym Group
  • 14:00 - 14:40 Salesforce Marketing Cloud keynote with special guests
  • 15:00 - 15:40 Reimagining Retail in the Age of the Shopper
  • 16:00 - 16:40 Reimagine Marketing and Customer Acquisition with Salesforce and Facebook
  • 17:00 onwards  Join the Networking Party!

6. Uncover how Salesforce uses Marketing Cloud to run our business

Do you ever wonder how we use Marketing Cloud to power our business at Salesforce? Our technology is used across the business and powers incredible results. We're creating 1-to-1 journeys with Journey Builder, Email, Mobile, Social and more. In this session, join us to learn how we leverage our best-in-class technology to market to our customers, prospects, event attendees, and more.

Salesforce World Tour London is sure to be an incredible event and we hope that all marketers will come away from it feeling inspired, excited and educated by how you can build incredible 1-1 journeys with your customers.

I can’t wait to see you there!