Ever wondered what it’s like to work at Salesforce in EMEA? Or particularly what it's like for a woman to be working in a high-tech environment? We’re introducing some of our fantastic women in technology leaders here on the blog - check back to see more and make sure you visit the Salesforce Careers site to start your own #dreamjob!

This week, we're catching up with Ashling Kearns, Head of Marketing, Northern Europe. Over to you, Ashling...

09:00 - 09:45: I am hiring a product marketing specialist to focus on showcasing how our great customers connect with their customers in a whole new way.  I kick start the day with a coffee and an overview of the role with a potential candidate.

10:00 - 11:00: I head to the office for my weekly team meeting with our Benelux and Nordics marketing teams to sync on our key priorities and deliverables, share successes and raise any challenges. We review our pipeline progress via our Wave Analytics tool - it’s amazing to be able to visualise data so neatly and quickly so I can make key business decisions! 

11:00 - 11:30: Check and respond to email and Chatter, our internal social collaboartion platfrom, which we use to plan and communicate about all of the marketing initiaves we're running - if it's not in Chatter, it doesn't happen! I try to only respond to email at certain points throughout the day - sometimes I’m successful and sometimes, not so much! 

11:00 - 12:00: It’s V2MOM deadline time. V2MOM an acronym that stands for vision, values, methods, obstacles, and measures and it is an outline of my commitment to Salesforce for the year and my guiding principles throughout the year that I stick to - and everyone in the company can be sure to be aligned around the same goals and metrics. I put the finishing touches to my V2MOM and hit the share button - now everyone knows what I’m doing this year! 

12:00 - 12:30: Lunch with my great colleagues. Great conversations about specific customer projects that are underway.

12:30 - 13:00: Salesforce World Tour Amsterdam takes place on April 14th at the RAI, Amsterdam. Today we have a briefing with a great customer, LeasePlan, who will participate at the World Tour.

13:00 - 14:30: I sit on the board of Angelman Syndrome, which is  a genetic disorder of chromosome 15  characterised by severe intellectual disability, lack of speech, sleep disturbance, and yet, usually a happy demeanour. Through Salesforce.org, Salesforce affords me seven days a year to give back to a charity of my choice and I choose to spend those days with Angleman Syndrome. Today is the quarterly board meeting to discuss upcoming activities. 

14:30 - 18:00: I make my way to the venue for our quarterly CIO Council taking place with 15 leading Dutch CIOs. It’s an interactive peer-to-peer discussion about how our customers are leveraging social, mobile, cloud and communities technology for digital transformation. Great conversations.

18:00 - 21:00:  I head to the gym for a class and then meet a friend for dinner.

21:00 - 22:00: I have a quick call with a colleague at HQ regarding budget planning and do last responses to email and Chatter for the day.

22:00: An episode of House of Cards and then off to bed!

Many thanks to Ashling for letting us in to her busy world for a day! To find out about the possibilty of working at Salesforce, and finding your dreamjob, please visit our careers site.

For more interesting careers, or to start your dreamjob, visit http://www.salesforce.com/company/careers/