Ever wondered what it’s like to work at Salesforce EMEA? We’re highlighting some of our fantastic women in technology here on the blog - check back to see more and visit our careers site to find out about our unique #SalesforceOhana culture! 

This week we caught up with Pauline Dufour, Developer Relations Marketing Manager, EMEA... over to you Pauline. 

06:45: I usually start the day with a morning run outside. Trainers on, I push myself out of the house.

07:00: It’s raining (what a surprise!!)

08:00: Back from my rainy outdoor session, I check my social media feeds and French news to stay up to date. I split my time between London and Paris so it’s good to get a feel for the news in both worlds. 

08:30: We are lucky to have incredible offices at Salesforce Tower in central London. As soon as I get in, I start reviewing developer blogs, community websites, and social media keeping me connected and up to speed. In my role, I need to be reactive to whatever our audience is focusing on at the moment. I also take some time to respond to overnight emails from the States. Because we are part of a global team, we tend to use a “follow the sun” model for our processes and that means we’re always available to our developer community members. 

09:30: I take my first call of the day with our developer relations team. We run developer programs across EMEA and are split between France, Germany and the UK. We put a lot of emphasis into getting together on a weekly basis to review project status and share best practices.

10:30: I usually try to stay away from emails and my mobile phone for a couple of hours to be fully focused on project delivery. It is an old trick I learned back at university (which was to be honest not that long ago). When I first started as an intern for Salesforce, I used to be all over the place, doing 10 things at the same time. I’ve since learned how to prioritise.

12:30: Marketing for a developer audience engages me with lots of leaders within the community that I love meeting in person and there’s no better way to engage than over a great lunch. It is a great way to network, and have a genuine conversation about the community perception of the latest trends in the market.

13:30: Inspiration call with our extended team. It is quite important in my daily work to stay open and aware on new marketing strategies. This is how disruptive innovation happens and that’s why we put a lot of emphasis into keeping some time in the week to brainstorm and be creative.

14:30: Catching up with different priorities that came up during the day. I am a strong advocate of sharing information via Chatter, which is a Salesforce product and works much like a social network - only for our company. As a first-time worker, having access to that amount of information posted by so many different people at different levels in the company is key. Onboarding processes, best practices, team updates - it’s a very powerful tool to synchronise efforts and increase productivity.

15:30: Heading to my CoderDojo session of the week. One of the things I took in consideration when joining Salesforce was their 1-1-1 philanthropy model where giving back is a part of the business. I am committed to teach young kids how to code on a bi-weekly basis with the Coder Dojo organization. I am even more delighted that I am able to team up with women, willing to share their passion about technology to the next generation of women technologists!

17:00: Email check, and call with our US peers. Alignment is key to run effective global marketing programmes.  

18:00: I don’t have an evening function so I try to have the best work-life balance as possible. Sometimes I need to work late hours at night but the flexibility of my work enables be to take a doctor appointment during office hours if I have to. I feel that I’m judged at Salesforce on what I deliver, rather than the amount of hours I stay at work.

20:00: Dinner with friends at a new Spanish restaurant in Shoreditch. London is so big and I really enjoy getting out to enjoy the culture and the great food. 

22:30: Bedtime - Early morning call tomorrow to the London airport. Next stop: Amsterdam to follow-up with our growing Salesforce community.

If you'd like to find out about joining Pauline, visit our careers site and join the #SalesforceOhana