Why are growing businesses choosing cloud CRM? Our Senior Area Vice President, EMEA, Sanj Bhayro talks to Perry Offer, Global CEO at A2P SMS specialists Dialogue Group to find out. Over to you Sanj... 

The backstories of successful businesses all have at least one scene in common. It’s the scene in which somebody stands up and says, ‘To get to where we really want to be, we need a really great CRM platform’.

And today, that scene is happening earlier and earlier in the story – with the benefits of cloud computing making solutions like our own available to all businesses, regardless of their size.

One growing business that’s decided to embrace cloud-based CRM is Dialogue Group – a genuine trailblazer in the field of Application to Person (A2P) SMS solutions. As I discovered while chatting with Dialogue’s Global CEO, Perry Offer, it’s a decision that’s paying off over and over again.

Perry, tell me a little about Dialogue Group...

Dialogue Group acts as a vital cog in the chain for sending business to consumer SMS messages.

If a bank wants to send an urgent notification or alert to its customers, we can handle the routing for them – from their own application, to their customer’s handsets, wherever they are in the world, and whatever mobile network they’re connected to.

Founded in 1994, we’re the most experienced A2P SMS specialists around.

How do you maintain that leadership role in your market?

It comes down to innovation, hard work, and understanding everyone’s needs – from the businesses sending messages, to the mobile network operators (MNOs) carrying them. For example, we’re currently working closely with MNOs to help them prevent fraudulent SMS messages from reaching their customers.

Of course, you need the right technology in place to support innovation, and Salesforce is a big part of that.

Which Salesforce solutions does Dialogue use?

We use Service Cloud, App Cloud, FinancialForce, CRM, Birst BI, Chatter and Workflow. For us, one of the great benefits of Salesforce is that it offers a truly seamless, end-to-end, business-wide solution.

When you’re a growing business, you’ve got to have that single platform. Spending a lot of time, effort and money integrating multiple disparate products on different platforms simply isn’t feasible.

And it’s got to be cloud. Having the relevant information available, anytime, anywhere, on any device, it’s essential for our business, and its future.

What’s been the main benefit of always having your business information available?

The main benefit’s simple. It makes our business easier – and cheaper – to run. For example, thanks to the accessibility of our information, we’ve been able to automate credit referencing, and deliver immediate answers.

We’ve also gained 360-degree management capabilities – with a global view of our opportunities, risks, and productivity levels – in a way that’s proving incredibly cost-effective.

Using the dashboards we’ve created, we’re able to see what’s happening in the business, what could be better, and make positive changes, like streamlining our customer base to improve productivity.

What tips would you give to other companies looking to get the most out of Salesforce?

Dedicate the resources to it. It’s well worth the effort. At Dialogue, we made a team of five people responsible for managing and developing all aspects of the system.

That might seem like a lot to commit, but not when the pay back is so great. It’s fair to say Salesforce has enabled us to triple the size of our business in revenue terms – whilst keeping our headcount exactly the same.

Thanks for your time Perry – it’s wonderful to hear how Salesforce is supporting such dramatic business growth.

Want to learn why other UK small and medium businesses are choosing Salesforce? Watch our short video to hear more from Perry Offer – and discover the inspiring success stories of Epos Now and Deliveroo.

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