In the brand new Q3 2015 Salesforce Advertising Index, we aggregated the performance of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter ads across more than two trillion ad impressions and 200 billion ad engagements managed by Salesforce Marketing Cloud customers from July 2015 to September 2015 to provide key insights for global advertisers. 

A few key European takeaways for Q3 2015: 

  • Instagram CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) in the United Kingdom was £1.17
  • Facebook CPM in the United Kingdom fell to £2.48
  • The CPI (cost per Install) for all mobile app install campaigns across 14 different countries was USD$3.87
  • LinkedIn CPM in the United Kingdom was £13.56

Instagram CPM was USD$5.94 across three major markets. Instagram advertising launched to global general availability in September 2015. Across three major markets in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific, the CPM was USD$5.94 and the CTR was 0.92%. The CPM for the United Kingdom was £1.17 and CTR was 0.91%.

In 2016, sophisticated advertisers should focus on Instagram creative quality, as brands and agencies learn the different consumer behaviors and ROI potential of the platform. 

The CPM for Facebook ads targeting the United Kingdom and Germany fell 10% in Q3.

The Facebook CPM across seven key markets rose to USD$4.17 in Q3, up from USD$1.90 in Q1 and USD$2.32 in Q2. The collective Facebook CPC for these markets also rose to USD$0.42 from USD$0.24 in both Q1 and Q2. Despite the overall increase in CPM, CPM actually decreased in Germany and the U.K. in Q3, falling 10% in both markets to £2.48 and €2.76, respectively. In contrast, the CPM for Facebook ads targeting France rose nearly 25% in Q3, reaching €1.60.

Across 14 different countries, the CPI for all mobile app install campaigns was USD$3.87 and the CPM was USD$6.48. Across Europe, CPIs ranged from a high of $8.49 (CHF8.18) in Switzerland to a low of $2.10 (€1.92) in Germany.  

LinkedIn remains a platform to engage with premium audiences.

LinkedIn, with its unique professional focus and targeting capabilities, is a platform for advertisers to reach highly valued audiences which are difficult to target on any other platform. Advertisers are willing to pay a premium and in the United Kingdom, the CPM was £13.56. 

Twitter Promoted Tweets continue to be highly engaging while decreasing in cost.

On Twitter, the CPM for Promoted Timeline Tweets decreased from Q2 by 25%, while the CTR increased by 14%, both of which bode well for advertiser value on the platform. Twitter ads purchased on a cost-per-engagement (CPE) basis was only USD$0.22 for Promoted Timeline Tweets. 

Use marketing, sales, and service data in Salesforce to target your digital advertising and run campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

Check out the full report, including a detailed Facebook breakdown by industry, video advertising trends, and LinkedIn performance.