We've been busy aggregating and analysing all the advertising spend through our advertising platform (Social.com) from April 2015 to June 2015. In this post, we provide key highlights of the analysis, taking a closer look at the European data, particualrly for the UK, France and Germany. A deeper dive into the data, including performance metrics by country and industry, are in our full report.  

Key findings in Europe include:

  • German advertisers had the highest engagement rates in Q2 with a CTR of 1.83%
  • In the UK, the financial services industry had the highest CPM at £4.65
  • The lowest CPC in France was €0.12 for both the retail and technology industries

Facebook Ads

Globally, Facebook CPM rose between Q1 and Q2 from $1.90 to $2.32. The CPC in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States all decreased slightly while it ticked up in Australia and Germany. Of the three European countries examined, France was the least expensive market for Facebook ads, with an average CPM of €1.19.

Video Views

Video view costs ranged from €0.01 in France and doubled in Germnay to €0.02. 23% of people in Europe who started watching a video watched at least 75% of it.

Mobile app ads

Mobile app advertisers tend to run multi-region campaigns in which they are strongly focused on which markets deliver effectively priced app installs of customers who produce a true return on ad spend. Different European countries have very different CPIs, ranging from a high of $4.82 in Switzerland to $1.69 in Italy. 


Industry Findings

We also dive into specific industries for key countries. For example, In France, CTRs for the gaming industry were only 0.15%, indicating that French consumers were not engaging with these ads as much as other regions. In contrast, in Germany gaming CTRs were over four times as high, at 0.67%. In the United Kingdom, the financial services industry had the highest CPM, due to the highly competitive dynamics of the Facebook auction and advertisers in this industry targeting a specific and highly valued audience.

Twitter ads

Similar to last quarter, the Twitter CPM was $5.87 for Promoted Timeline Tweets and a much lower $1.95 for Promoted Account Tweets. However, Twitter ads are entirely purchased on a cost-per-engagement basis, not on a per-impression basis, and the cost per engagement was only $0.34 for Promoted Timeline Tweets, with a very healthy 1.72% CTR.

LinkedIn ads

This quarter, we broke out the LinkedIn CPM for multiple countries for the first time. We saw a substantial cost increase from prior quarters across all geographies, as the LinkedIn inventory becomes more competitive as advertisers see value in the premium users of the LinkedIn solution.

Want to see more information about Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter performance? Read the full Advertising Index report!