For years, most customers were resigned to receiving shoddy customer service, and the concept of a good customer experience was frankly, non-existant. They didn’t like it, but it was what they’d come to expect, so they grudgingly put up with it.

Then some plucky young innovators came along and used new customer service technology and ideas to deliver a radically improved service experience.

You know the ones: some of them sell shoes, some of them sell flights, some of them sell data centers. Almost every industry has at least one.

Now, those companies are stealing customers left, right and centre from the competition (that’s you), and suddenly “good” customer service is no longer good enough. By any stretch of the imagination.

So how do you turn things around?

The disruptors may have very different business models, but they all have one thing in common when it comes to delivering an outrageously great customer experience.

They empower their front-line customer service agents.

The good news is that anyone can follow their example. We’ve had a think about how a “good” service organisation can become more like one of these “outrageously brilliant” service disruptors, and we reckon it comes down to doing six things differently. 

Six ways to go from a good to an outrageous customer experience

Take a look at the Slideshare below to see what those six things are – and why you need to do them now before the disruptors finish eating your lunch.

Why customer service is failing and why it's time to turn it upside-down from Salesforc

As the frontline of the organisation, empowered customer service reps need the power and freedom to do what they do best – not rules tying their hands. So if you want to take back your market share (and then some), start by radically rethinking your service operation. This Slideshare is a great place to start.

And if you’d like to take a deep dive into what it takes to create an outstanding customer services team, download our State of Service 2015 report.