I firmly believe that technology should help alleviate the problems faced by small businesses, not become part of the problem.

As your business scales up its operation and wins new customers, it’s easy to get carried away with winning the next one, and the next one. That’s not a problem, provided you don’t forget to look after the customers you’ve already got on board. 

The challenge is creating experiences that drive customer loyalty – and doing it while managing the day-to-day stuff. It isn’t enough for your customer management tools to just meet today’s requirements, as the problems faced by small business are always changing, so your CRM has to be able to grow and adapt as your business zigs and zags. 

In this video I discuss how cloud technology can help you face the problems you encounter and master what I call “The Blowfish Effect” – basically servicing more customers, and creating more buzz in your market, than your size might suggest. 

I hope you enjoyed the video. It's the second part in a series, so if you missed the first one, check out why a customer centric culture is the key to fast growth.  

If you're keen to find out how your small business can start marking an even bigger splash (there's that blowfish effect again), you might like to check out this e-book.