How to Turn Social Media into a Powerful Customer Service Tool


Action Points for Outstanding Social Customer Service


Find and service customers on their favourite social channels. Here’s how:


1. Identify social media platforms your target audiences seek redressal on

Different platforms attract varying crowds. For instance,when it comes to 18-24 year olds:

  • 30.2% use Instagram1
  • But only 17.1% use Twitter2

Determine which social platforms your customers frequent most. Then, create a dedicated handle for social media customer support (e.g., @xyzcompany_help)


2. Find out why customers are reaching out to you

Conduct audits to uncover the typical reasons customers contact your business.

They may want to:

  • get information
  • resolve issues
  • give feedback or praise 

This can help you build a playbook and cadence to address customer cases efficiently.


3. Create a unique hashtag for service requests

Create a specific hashtag for your service team, so customers can easily search for past cases using them. Use keywords to allow language detection, so service agents can be alerted when they need to step in.


4. Don’t be afraid to respond to negative feedback

You can turn unhappy customers into brand advocates by handling negative comments the right way. Quickly acknowledge the negative comment or post and move the conversation to a personal chat box where a service rep can resolve the customer’s issue directly.


5.Encourage UGC

Incentivise customers to review your products and services, and to tag others on their posts. This can help build a repository of helpful self-service content.


6. Post educational content regularly

Help customers find answers on their own with product guide videos, explainer posts, etc.