The Climate Crisis Calls for Bold Action. Here’s How APAC Businesses Are Rising to the Challenge

Names of the participants in the webinar 
  • Faiza Saleem, Manager, Global Government Advisory, Access Partnership
  • Lim Boon Pin, South East Asia & Asia Emerging Countries Sustainability Manager, HP; Co-chair, Sustainability Committee, SGTech
  • Mike Burrell, Executive Director, Sustainable Business Council, New Zealand
  • Sharmila Barathan, President, Corporate Affairs & Policy, GE South Asia & Board Member, GE India Industrial Private Ltd

Title of the Infographic: Key Takeaways


1. Articulate a sustainability plan


“If you don’t have a sustainability plan now, or aren’t working on it, you won’t exist in 15-20 years. So, put together a plan, and make sure it’s implementable. Also, work out what you can achieve most quickly.”

  • Burrell


2. Appoint a CSO


“A CSO can help you ensure that doing good doesn’t come at a cost to delivering growth. They’re there to measure and understand your company’s carbon footprint, while leading the way to sustainable business practices.”


- Boon Pin



3. Address the sustainability skills gap


“Create a workforce that’s adaptable and equipped with skills to work in the field of climate change. Focus upskilling initiatives on the capabilities and tools needed for an economy that’s transitioning to net zero.” 


- Saleem



4. Go lean


“ With lean practices, you can eliminate waste. Lean has both a business case and a sustainability case.”


- Barathan



5. Source responsibly


“Decarbonisation efforts are hindered when we don’t practice sustainable procurement. We need to ask ourselves - are we including sustainability criteria in our tenders? What’s the weightage given to those criteria? And are they the right ones for our products and services?” 


- Boon Pin



6. Focus on climate change adaptation, not just mitigation


“With rising sea levels and the inevitability of a 1.5°C world, we need to learn to walk and chew gum at the same time i.e., focus on climate reduction, while also adapting to the realities of living in a warmer world.”


- Burrell



7. Look at the long term, not just the short term


“When it comes to climate action, it’s great to start with the basics – the short-term actions. But you also need to be looking at long-term solutions. If not, your progress towards sustainability will soon come to a halt.”


- Burrell