IT Leaders Accelerate Digitisation with Low-Code App Development


Rapid technological advancements and the growing demand for digital experiences put IT teams under immense pressure to quickly roll out robust apps and digital solutions. 

But to match quality with speed, IT leaders must look beyond pro-code capabilities. 

Challenges of a pro-code only approach   

When you need to accelerate digitisation on limited time and budget, just relying on pro-code app development may not suffice, as:

  • Manual coding is labour-intensive and often error-prone
  • Updates and customisations can take very long
  • Professional developer talent is limited and expensive
  • Learning programming skills can take a lot of time and effort

Adopt low-code tools to bring in speed and agility

Using low-code tools can help IT teams build business and customer-facing apps with speed and reliability by:

  • Enabling developers to build in visual interfaces
  • Providing reusable pre-built components
  • Making configuration easy with drag-and-drop tools
  • Automating complex processes using point-and-click flow builders
  • Allowing data integration with shared event buses and open APIs
  • Automating development and testing in secure environments

Combining pro-code and low-code to increase productivity

Using modern app development platforms* that combine pro-code and low-code capabilities, businesses can leverage diverse talents – with deep business understanding and varying coding skills – to effectively transform. 

Download the IT Leader’s Guide to Fast App Development to  know more.