Infographic: Insights on 3 Emerging Marketing Trends in India


The 7th State of Marketing report captures responses from over 8200 global marketers, including 328 Indian marketers, on how marketing changed last year. 

Here are three trends that are changing the Indian marketing landscape:

1. Collaboration at a time of work-from-anywhere

81% of marketing organisations have adopted new remote work policies. And with the adoption of new work-collaboration technology, marketers feel more connected to their:





 Colleagues in marketing


 Partner organisations


 Colleagues in other departments 


However, 76% of marketers still say collaboration is harder now than before the pandemic. 

Involve internal stakeholders of all levels in the policymaking process to build desired work cultures and adopt tools that enable real-time collaboration.

2. Data drives marketing strategies

Marketers are relying on new and more data sources than ever before to create relevant customer experiences.

75% of marketers say their customer engagement is data-driven

However, <50% of them are satisfied with their data’s completeness, accessibility, timeliness, hygiene, etc.

Takeaway: Marketing leaders must focus on improving data quality to extract accurate marketing insights.

3. Metrics & KPIs continue to evolve

As more customers go digital, marketing becomes increasingly strategic to businesses. And due to the pandemic:

78% of marketing organisations have changed or reprioritised their metrics

Takeaway: To increase ROI, align marketing metrics and KPIs with those of the leadership's business objectives.

Preparing for the marketing of tomorrow

Marketers must focus on 

  • digital transformation to enable data-driven marketing as more customers go online
  • adopting new marketing tactics (like reproduced and live video content), to increase engagement
  • acquiring interpersonal skills, understanding data science, and becoming resilient

To know more about how marketing is evolving globally, read the complete report.

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