Investing in sustainability: Top 5 green solutions for businesses


What does today's tech-savvy customer want from digital experiences?

1. Energy management software

  • Track and manage enterprise-wide energy consumption 
  • Identify and address energy wastage
  • Align energy consumption patterns with net zero goals
  • Drive cost savings on energy bills

2. Carbon footprint calculators

  • Calculate greenhouse gas emissions at each stage of operations
  • Quantify emissions and set up reduction benchmarks  
  • Discover opportunities to offset carbon footprints

3. Supply chain sustainability solutions

  • Track the environmental impact of supplier operations 
  • Evaluate and rank key suppliers based on green credentials
  • Generate accurate reports on sustainability performance of suppliers
  • Get suggestions to improve key aspects of supply chain operations

4. Waste Management Software

  • Track waste streams and identify opportunities for waste reduction
  • Manage recycling programs at scale
  • Track waste management costs, including disposal and transportation costs

5. Sustainable Transportation Management Systems

  • Optimise routes for reduced energy consumption and emissions
  • Track fuel consumption for alignment with carbon footprint goals
  • Manage electric and hybrid fleets to optimise travel time and fuel usage
Accredited globally by the Carbon Disclosure Project, Net Zero Cloud is a complete solution that helps organisations track, measure, and report on climate goals
  • Energy Management Software
  • Carbon Footprint Calculators
  • Supply Chain Sustainability Software
  • Waste Management Software
  • Sustainable Transportation Management Systems