5 Tips for Mid-Market Enterprises to Better Prepare for Disruptions


Mid-market enterprises’ (MME) drive the Indian economy, their recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is paramount for economic growth. MMEs are upgrading legacy systems and modernising business processes to stabilise and be ready for exponential growth. 

We spoke to Ashwin Chendilnathan, Joint Managing Director, Vijay Raja Group to understand how the MM community can build resilience against future disruptions that COVID-19 can pose.

Here are his tips on how MME can prepare for disruptions and continue to grow: 

1. Build predictive capabilities
– by adopting a CRM solution that enables you to 

•Understand customer behaviour 

•Forecast sales and revenue 

Use this knowledge to spot risk areas and take corrective measures in time. 

2. Quickly meet evolving customer needs
– by automating crucial business processes. 

Responding to changing customer needs is better supported by seamless & unified digital systems. 

3. Make skilling a priority
– to equip workforces for a digital-first future. 

Digital skills help leverage technology to improve productivity, efficiency, customer experience.

4. Unlock cross-functional collaboration
– through technology that enables seamless communication and data sharing. 

The synergy between teams to deliver exceptional services is the key to success.

5. Optimise every aspect of your business – by using the right technology and tools to save time, cost, and effort. 

This helps divert more resources and time towards business development and growth.

MMEs have a unique advantage – being big enough to scale up and small enough to be agile. With the right focus on leveraging technology and building a strong talent base, MMEs can navigate tough times and even lead Indian’s economic recovery. 

A complete solution like Salesforce Customer 360 can help MMEs bring their customers, partners, and teams on the same page. Get the speed to market in the moment, sell from anywhere, streamline servicing, and do more. 

Check out all of Customer 360 capabilities here.

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5 Tips for Mid-Market Enterprises to Better Prepare for Disruptions