Over the past few years, so much has changed about the way we work, interact, and do business. But the one constant has been this: when you put customers at the centre of your business, success follows. 

Being truly customer-centric starts with knowing what your customers want. According to the fifth edition of Salesforce State of Connected Customer Report:

  • 73% of customers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations
  • 74% of customers say communicating honestly and transparently is more important now than before the pandemic
  • 57% of customers prefer to engage through digital channels
  • 85% of customers expect consistent interactions across departments

Clearly, companies have multiple opportunities - and channels - to delight customers. 

So, what’s holding them back? 

One reason is that customer information is often scattered across multiple systems. And without a unified customer view, teams aren’t able to deliver the connected, personalised experiences that customers expect.

Many companies also struggle to meet their digital-first customers on the right channels at the right times. It’s no longer enough to simply have a digital presence – be it on social media, messenger apps, or even the Metaverse. Customers want a seamless experience across these touchpoints.

Meanwhile, the future of work is here, and it’s all about empowering your employees to succeed-from-anywhere – be it at home, in the field, or on the road. But how do you keep a distributed workforce connected, engaged, and productive?

The good news is that many companies have taken vital steps towards successfully overcoming these challenges. They’ve digitally transformed their CRM to deliver exceptional customer and employee experiences that are translating into higher sales and profitability. 

These success stories demonstrate that you don’t have to compromise on customer or employee satisfaction to cut costs. Because let’s face it – cost pressures are high in today’s world of increasing economic uncertainty and rising inflation. But with a CRM like Salesforce, you can do more with less, while still meeting and even exceeding customer expectations.

Here’s how Salesforce can help.

  • Lower costs with one trusted platform: Reduce complexity by consolidating multiple systems into one. Unite your entire company around a shared customer view that helps teams deliver seamless customer experiences across digital and physical touchpoints.
  • Increase productivity through automation: Empower your teams with automated workflows and powerful productivity tools to market, sell, and serve customers faster and smarter – from anywhere.
  • Wow your customers and catalyse growth with real-time insights: Get all the customer data and apps you need at your fingertips to know what your customers want, personalise their experiences, and build lasting relationships.

Find out more about Salesforce and what makes us different in our new handbook - Prepare your Business for a Digital Future. It’s got everything you need to know about the benefits of a CRM, why a cloud CRM solution is better, and what to consider before buying such a solution. 


Bonus: Also get a glimpse into the future of work and what it could mean for you.

Read the guide to discover:

  • 7 signs you might need a cloud-based CRM solution
  • 6 ways to prepare for the future of work
  • How AI can help you sell, market, and service more efficiently
  • Why businesses of various sizes and from various industries continue to choose Salesforce
  • Customer stories: 2 Trailblazing customers that are using Salesforce to succeed