India’s manufacturing sector has a lot going for it. A strong domestic market, a large pool of engineers, billions of dollars in foreign direct investments, and supportive government policies like ‘Make in India’ and Product Linked Incentives (PLIs) have the potential to transform the country into a global manufacturing powerhouse. 

WEF estimates that India’s manufacturing sector could contribute $500 billion in annual economic impact by 2030.

That’s huge. However, to get there, manufacturers will need to up their game, not just on the shop floor but also on the front lines. It’s no longer enough to simply make a great product. You also have to be able to accurately forecast demand for it, optimise sales, collaborate seamlessly with channel partners, and respond rapidly to market shifts.

Consumers, too, have evolved. They want to be engaged at a personal, real-time level. Many expect excellent after-sales service. 

How do you meet all these demands intelligently, quickly, and at scale?

Find out in our new ebook, which highlights five manufacturing Trailblazers from India that have cracked the code on sales, service, and customer satisfaction. These inspiring companies are using Salesforce to set new standards for customer engagement, and accelerate growth like never before.


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Download your copy of the ebook Meet 5 Manufacturing Trailblazers from India today.

Take the example of Gemini Power Hydraulics that  has unified customer and product data in a single source of truth. This helps them get the best out of every customer interaction. They’ve also automated sales and service processes, leading to a 60% increase in sales team productivity, 10% reduction in sales cycles, and 10% boost in service team productivity

Meanwhile, Penna Cement has empowered all sales officers with a consolidated customer view on their Salesforce mobile app. This helps them close more deals faster. The company also runs a dealer loyalty scheme program on Salesforce which helps them incentivise and reward dealers, masons, and other influencers who help drive sales. 

Initiatives like these have resulted in a 15% increase in sales volumes, 21% increase in operational efficiency, and 15% growth in dealer and influencer networks.

Other stories featured in the ebook describe how:

  • Unimark increased service team productivity by 25% while reducing billing cycles by 15 days
  • Saint-Gobain Glass saw a 2x increase in sales meetings recorded on Salesforce
  • Cosmo Films saw a 7-8% improvement in lead conversion rates, 20% improvement in sales outreach, and 25% reduction in case resolution time

Discover these stories

Download your copy of the ebook Meet 5 Manufacturing Trailblazers from India today.