Digital transformation isn’t just about implementing the latest technology, or updating your IT systems. Rather, it’s about reimagining how you do business and deliver value to all your stakeholders, enabled by digital technologies.

A Trailblazer that exemplifies the spirit of digital transformation is Genpact. The IT services leader is building out an entire digital ecosystem and deep technology capabilities to help both customers and employees thrive.

We caught up with Genpact CIO, Vidya Rao at Trailblazer Talks to learn how her company is innovating with digital. Watch her conversation here.

A few insights we took away from her session:

Make customers the centre of your digital innovation efforts

Companies innovate for various reasons, but the most successful innovations are usually those that start and end with the customer.

When Genpact built its digital platform, CORA, the goal was to help customers accelerate their transformation and improve the customer experience using a combination of automation, data analytics, and AI. Through the modular platform, Genpact is enabling companies to future-proof their investments, while keeping their legacy systems intact.

Scale faster through digital transformation and automation

The bigger and more complex your business becomes, the harder it is to stay light and agile. How do you scale fast without being weighed down by operational complexities?

Genpact has embraced a four-fold strategy – migrating data centres to the cloud, adopting a new ERP, transforming data, and building a 360-degree view of operations.

The company has also built multiple digital solutions on Salesforce Platform to accelerate growth. Pinnacle, for instance, enables better resource cost management for qualified deals. Talent Match makes it easier for HR to balance the supply and demand of skills. Together, these and other innovations are boosting Genpact’s RoI and scalability.


Salesforce continues to be a key partner in innovating and co-creating various solutions for our business needs.”

Vidya Rao | CIO, Genpact

Empower employees with the digital tools they need to be effective

Just as customers enjoy connected and seamless experiences, employees too flourish in environments that make it easy to collaborate, find data, and work from anywhere. Many of Genpact’s digital innovations focus on helping employees work smarter and better. Nebula, for instance, is a collaboration platform that Genpact built on Salesforce to orchestrate the deal lifecycle. Teams can co-create proposals, manage content effectively, and track a deal’s status in real time through a unified data view.

The company also keeps the employee experience front and centre when designing technology roadmaps and new applications.

“I’m always thinking about how to enable an easier, more intuitive, and seamless user experience for our employees,” says Rao.