In a digital world, customers are just a click away. But capturing their attention is tough when you’re up against multiple other marketers, each flooding the customer’s inbox with new content. How do you make your voice heard over all the noise?

We turned to marketing Trailblazer, PVR Limited for some answers at Trailblazer Talks. As the company brings customers back to its cinema halls post-lockdown, and reminds them of the magic of movie-going, here are their tips for marketing success:

Know your customers in depth

No longer is it enough to merely know your customers’ names and contact details. If you want to truly grab their attention, you have to dig deeper and understand them at a granular level.

One of PVR’s biggest goals is to achieve a “unit of one” – an in-depth understanding of every single customer, including the movies they watch, the cinematic experiences they prefer, the company they keep at a movie hall, the foods they eat, and the amount they’re willing to spend on the entire experience.

“Once we know our customer, we can engage with them better by reminding them of our brand presence and content pipeline, as well as the experiences they’ve enjoyed at our cinema halls,” says Ranjith Melarkode, Strategic Technical Officer, PVR Limited.

Hyper-personalise customer experiences with technology

Most customers want to be treated like a person, not a marketing statistic. True personalisation is about delivering experiences that are uniquely relevant to each customer.

PVR Limited uses Salesforce Marketing Cloud to create hyper-personalised content and offers across multiple channels, including emails and SMSes. All customer data is available at the click of a button. So, if a customer walks into a PVR cinema hall, teams can instantly see that the customer’s last visit was three months ago to watch an action movie while enjoying a pizza and soda. Based on these insights, they can formulate a personalised offer that delights the customer.

Salesforce helps us deliver highly personalised, one-on-one customer experiences at scale in a very efficient manner.”

Ranjith Melarkode | Strategic Technical Officer, PVR Limited

Keep innovating with digital at your core

As customers go digital, marketing must keep up. This is the time to innovate and rethink everything - from how you engage with customers to what defines marketing success.

PVR too is adapting and innovating for a digital-first world. Even before COVID-19, the company had invested heavily in digital microservices, big data, and AI/ML to drive deeper customer insights. Now, the company is partnering with startups and digital ecosystems to innovate across its entire spectrum of operations.

“Through digital transformation, we want to create “wow” experiences that delight customers, while also improving operational efficiency,” says Melarkode.