Captivating! That’s how we’d describe our first-ever Dreamforce to You: Trailblazer Talks, held on September 23. Packed with inspiring stories of business transformation, innovation, and success, it was truly an event to remember. 

If you couldn’t attend the live sessions, you can still catch up on everything you missed right here

Sales was an important topic at this year’s event. We had two amazing Trailblazers – Ajay Saraf, Senior Vice President and Head, Project Business, Panasonic Life Solutions, and Rounak Muthiyan, Founder-Director, Kalpa Power – talking about how their sales teams are improving performance, and accelerating revenue growth in the new normal.

Here’s what they had to say:

1. It’s a sell-from-anywhere world, and technology can help you adapt

Gone are the days when sales teams had to meet customers face-to-face to pitch a new product or sign a deal. 

At Panasonic Life Solutions (PLS) India, most sales activities – from product demos, to negotiations and deal closures – are now conducted virtually. Using technologies like Salesforce, teams are building strong connections with customers without ever meeting them face-to-face.


An efficient CRM is the cornerstone of success and lifeblood of any B2B business.”

Ajay Saraf | Senior Vice President and Head, Project Business, Panasonic Life Solutions

At Kalpa Power too, technology has been key to the company’s resilience and agility during the pandemic.

“Through Salesforce, we can operate from anywhere – be it Dubai, Nairobi, Chennai, Nagpur, or Delhi,” says Muthiyan. 

2. A unified customer view helps teams sell smarter and faster

Sales success comes from responding to customers swiftly, and making decisions fast. You can’t do that if your sales reps are working out of different systems or spreadsheets. 

That’s why Panasonic Life Solutions India has unified all its sales teams around a single source of customer truth. Having a unified view of sales and customer data helps them sell smarter. 

“With Salesforce, we’re able to make faster and more informed decisions,” says Saraf. “We can proactively identify customers that need further attention. And with leads clearly categorised, we know exactly where to focus our sales effort and resources.”

3. The more optimised your processes, the better your customer experiences

Customer satisfaction isn’t just the result of good engagement strategies. It also depends on how efficient your processes are, and how seamlessly your teams work together to deliver a connected customer experience across touchpoints.

Kalpa Power has automated and streamlined 85% of its internal processes through Salesforce. The company uses the platform to bridge all its teams, and stitch together data across processes. This has helped them create frictionless customer and employee experiences.


Salesforce is more than just a CRM for us. It’s an ERP tool – an experience tool.”

Rounak Muthiyan | Founder-Director, Kalpa Power
For more sales nuggets, check out the videos from Trailblazer Talks