India is battling its way out of the deadly second wave of COVID-19 that has spread across  the country. It’s painful to hear about the experience of those who have lost their dear ones.  With  the vaccination process being ramped up and the number of positive cases dropping, we do see early signs of a recovering country. 

We are deeply committed to our people and community here in India and we firmly believe that business can be a powerful platform for change. Which is why we announced a $1.1 million  donation to United Way of Hyderabad, Concern India Foundation, Rise Against Hunger India and Youth for Seva to support the COVID response across India. Salesforce is partnering with these organisations to help support their focus on procuring medical equipment and supplies, administering vaccine awareness and distribution, building community isolation centers and providing food security for the most vulnerable populations in the country. 

A global employee giving and matching campaign will further contribute to supporting various organisations in India. To date, the campaign has generated more than $1 million including the matching by Salesforce. An external fundraising site through Give India received donations from employees and friends of Salesforce. These corporate and employee donations will impact the lives of more than 2,00,000 people across the country.

In addition, through the Salesforce Pledge 1%, a global coalition of 43 companies have collectively contributed $28 million to support relief efforts focused on medical supplies, vaccine awareness and distribution, and food security. 

We also partnered with HSBC and the Khosla family, to deliver medical supplies to different cities across the country. In total, 6000+ oxygen concentrators, and 10,000 pulse oximeters will be delivered to critical locations through partnerships with the Red Cross and Give India. 

I am grateful to lead a team in India who have joined forces around the world to staff a 24/7 Volunteer Helpline that provides employees and their families in India the latest crowdsourced information on hospital bed availability and how to access resources. This information also spans COVID-19 testing, doctor consultations, quarantine facilities, hospitalisation, medicine availability, and more. Across all regions, Salesforce teams are collaborating with governments, nonprofits, and many partner companies to provide critical support in areas where we can make an impact. 

Over the last year, we have demonstrated the power of businesses as a platform for change and the current COVID-19 crisis in India underscores how deeply interconnected we all are. Today, the need of the hour for a future-ready India is vaccinations, and I truly believe technology has an important and pertinent role to play in the management of vaccines. I would urge the healthcare system to leverage the power of technology to ensure equitable and speedy distribution of vaccines as it’s the only way we will effectively end the global pandemic. 

The pandemic has brought new urgency to the appeal that companies broaden their focus to include all stakeholders. It is also critical for leaders to be values-driven, authentic and transparent in order to drive trust within the community. This moment can serve as a catalyst for building a better business — one that is more resilient and agile in the face of whatever comes next.

I am grateful to our team and our partners globally for their support to India while we continue to help the community, our team, and their loved ones. Our combined efforts will help us sail through these difficult times and emerge stronger. 


Arundhati Bhattacharya
CEO and Chairperson, Salesforce India