Agile and innovative businesses were able to turn challenges into opportunities in the year gone by. Remote working became the order of the day. As the COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out and people slowly return to their workplaces, another new normal is setting in.

With 42% of Indian companies expecting their workforce to continue working remotely, we are now moving to a hybrid model where physical and virtual work practices will coexist, collaborate, and complement each other.

Looking for a solution that can help you successfully transition to hybrid working? 

Salesforce Anywhere lets your teams work together in real-time, irrespective of whether they are remote or on-site employees. The solution allows hybrid teams to have their fingers on your business’ pulse, prioritise their workload, stay proactive, and experience the true essence of anytime-anywhere working.

Try Salesforce Anywhere today!


Also Read:

Infographic: 5 Tips to Making Remote Working Collaborative and Productive

Infographic: Hit Restart: A Roadmap to Reopening Offices Successfully Post-Lockdown