The performance and profitability of an organisation are closely connected to how engaged its employees feel at work. An engaged employee is passionate about their work and feels a deep commitment to the growth of their company.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Salesforce conducted a survey of office workers and Information Technology (IT) leaders in India, Australia, and Singapore to find out how technology can support stronger employee engagement. We learnt that in India, 82% of office workers feel that the quality of their work is hampered by inefficient and outdated technology.

With the pandemic mandating remote working for all, we contemplated if the survey results would still apply. Interestingly, we found that the 3000+ responses we had collected hold value now more than ever, as organisations prepare to accelerate out of the crisis. The onus to drive employee engagement - whether that’s through remote working, a complete transition to the office, or something in between - will largely lie on the IT teams and leaders.

Based on our key findings, we have put together the APAC Employee Engagement Report to help IT leaders with insights that include:

  • The business impact of disengaged employees

  • The divide between employee expectations and work technology

  • IT’s priorities for maximising employee engagement

The report will help IT leaders keep employees connected, motivated, and productive as we adapt to new ways of working.

Here are some key insights from the APAC Employee Engagement Report.



Intrigued yet? Download the full report to know what’s on the mind of your employees and how IT leaders must take charge of employee engagement.