Creating a luxury customer experience has many challenges, but also countless possibilities for innovation. Recently, students from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) stepped up to this challenge, working on a nine-week project with Mercedes-Benz and Salesforce to transform the future of car buying - with outstanding results.


Learn more about Tomorrow, Today

At Salesforce, we're thrilled to announce our recent collaboration with Mercedes-Benz and the renowned JavaScript Technology Seminar at TU Munich.

Together, we've been working diligently to create a game-changing experience in car buying. Eighteen exceptional developers from TUM have spent the past nine weeks bringing this innovative project to life. By harnessing the power of modern web technologies, immersive 3D avatars, cutting-edge natural language processing, and Salesforce's CRM platform, they revolutionized how customers can buy a car online.

Join us on this exciting journey and be one of the first to learn more about tomorrow.

Online Car Buying needs a Change.

Car buyers today face the daunting task of navigating a vast sea of options and technical information when purchasing a new car. Personal preferences and driving patterns play a crucial role, but the process requires technical knowledge that most customers don't possess. To make matters worse, many customers want to purchase cars outside of traditional working hours, leaving them without access to the help and customer service they need.

We aimed to optimise this with TUM and our automotive partner by providing immersive customer service and help at any point in time, making the car buying process as seamless and stress-free as possible for customers.



Here is our Solution

Imagine interacting with a virtual assistant in the form of a realistic 3D human-like avatar that can answer all your questions, provide recommendations and explanations, and even anticipate your needs. Imagine being able to make informed decisions about your dream car purchase, and get help 24/7, no matter the time or day. No more feeling overwhelmed with options and information. No more feeling stranded and helpless.

Sounds amazing? That’s what we thought. And so with the help of TU Munich’s JavaScript Technology Seminar, we made it a reality. 




Kicking it off with a Bang!

November marked the beginning of an epic journey as the JavaScript Technology Seminar kicked off with a bang! The program management team organized an official launch event that set the stage for a successful project ahead.

The energy in the room was electric as we presented our ambitious problem statement to the brilliant students who would be taking part in the course.

After the presentation, we networked with the students, shared ideas and celebrated the start of this journey with drinks and pizza. It was an evening to remember, filled with excitement and promise of what was to come. 


Time to get it done!

It was now time to bring this project to life. The student developers dove headfirst into sprints, working tirelessly for the next nine weeks while updating us every 14 days about their progress.

Seeing this project blossom from mere sketches and mockups to a fully-functioning, stunning app was truly exciting. Each week, it was like watching a seed sprout, slowly but surely taking shape. The student developers put in a lot of hard work and dedication, and we did our best to support them every step of the way.

As the project reached its final stages, it was like watching a flower reach its full bloom. The final product was bound to be nothing short of amazing.

“I am Mercedes, and I will be your assistant.”

67 days. That's all it took for the talented developers at TU Munich, to innovate the car buying experience.

On the final Demo Day, we were greeted by none other than a realistic 3D human-like avatar, introducing itself as "I am Mercedes, and I will be your assistant." The room was filled with excitement as we witnessed the successful combination of UneeQ's advanced avatars with Cognigy's AI engine for natural language processing, creating an immersive and personalized experience for users of the app.

The journey was not without its challenges, but the determination and hard work of the student developers truly paid off. We are proud to be part of this project which serves as a true milestone on the way to a more human digital customer experience.


Let’s round it up together - Welcome to Salesforce!

To end the project on a high note, Salesforce invited the developers of the JavaScript Technology Seminar to our headquarters in Munich for an open office day to celebrate the successful completion of our collaboration.

It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our operations and exchange ideas on the future of technology. We delved into discussions about the endless possibilities of Virtual Reality and Machine Learning and their impact on customer service. The developers brought a wealth of knowledge and fresh perspectives, making it a valuable learning experience for us all.

We couldn't be more proud of the exceptional work they did on this project and it was a true honour to host them at Salesforce. We are excited for the next opportunity to join forces with TU Munich's JavaScript Technology Seminar.

What Our Collaborators Think

The TUM's JavaScript Seminar is highly professionally organized. For Salesforce, this was a great opportunity to connect with talents from one of the world's leading universities. The quality and impact of the result were simply outstanding.”

Hans Paulini Principal Solution Engineer, GAM Automotive (Salesforce)

Our team has worked tirelessly to create these amazing results and I am impressed and proud beyond words. Yet, without the fantastic support and technology of Salesforce and Mercedes, we could not have done this. Thank you for creating this terrific opportunity!”

Amin Ben Saad Program Manager, JavaScript Technology Seminar (TUM)

Our collaboration with Salesforce was a win-win for both parties. Salesforce gained a low-risk opportunity to test a new product idea. In contrast, our students gained hands-on experience working in a high-paced, product-focused environment on a real-life project, which will aid them in landing their first job and advancing their careers in tech.”

Dr. Guy Yachdav Supervisor & Initiator, JavaScript Technology Seminar (TUM)