Salesforce is collaborating with workforce development partner Green Fox Academy to support people changing careers to join the Salesforce Ecosystem in Eastern Europe.

Changing your job and kicking-off a totally new career path seems like a big challenge. But it is possible and Anita Donkó from Hungary is one of our many Trailblazers who is living proof. She changed career by undertaking training on Salesforce technology with our workforce development partner Green Fox Academy - a training provider that helps people start their career in the IT industry. How did Anita find the course, what attracted her to Salesforce, and what parallels does she see between Salesforce and indoor climbing? Read about Anita’s story below!


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Anita, tell us a bit about yourself and what you did before Green Fox. What was your reason to change career?

I worked as an art teacher, but I didn't feel comfortable in the state education system. For a while, I hoped that changes would happen, but I couldn't really find partners in this, so I decided to leave. I wanted a profession that I could enjoy and that works for me in the long term. For a long time, I didn't even think about the field of IT, but the regular ads of programming bootcamps on Facebook planted the idea in my head. I started gathering information from people I knew, and then, in the autumn of 2021 I finally decided that this would be my new profession. Yet, there was still a long way to go before I found the right direction for me within IT.


In the end, you graduated from the Salesforce Specialist course at Green Fox. Why did you choose this course?

First, I started a super intensive Java programming course, but after the first 2 weeks, I saw that it was more intensive than I could handle in that period of my life, so I gave that up. But I didn't give up the search for my path: I experimented with several programming languages in shorter online courses. I came across SQL (Structured Query Language), which is mostly used for data queries, and I liked it. So I asked Green Fox if I could learn any similar technologies from them. Although an SQL course was not available, they suggested their 2-month CRM Specialist course, which was just starting at that time, in the summer of 2022. Salesforce is used by a growing number of large companies and if you have a proper understanding of this system, you can usually find a place in the IT job market. So, of course, I was interested in this opportunity.


How did you find the course?

From the very first moment, I felt that Salesforce was the right choice for me. Yet, the course was not easy, even if we did not specifically learn programming. I had classes from 9 am to 6 pm. After that, I had to prepare for the next day, so I could do nothing else during those weeks of training! In just 2 months, the course gave us practical knowledge that we could use immediately. It was quite a big commitment. The final success is thanks to our mentors and the well-structured curriculum.


How much time did you need to find a job and how did the job hunt go?

It only took me 2 weeks to find a job! I started work at United Consult Zrt - a company with over 300 employees, which offer IT consulting and other IT services. I joined the Salesforce division, which currently employs more than 30 people. It was here I had my first interview in my new career path. Though I was very nervous, as I didn't know what to expect, we had a good conversation. I liked that they were not only looking at my technical skills but also considering how my personality would fit into the team. Since then, I have not been disappointed by the atmosphere: my colleagues are exceptionally friendly and helpful, regularly asking me how I am doing.


What is your job like, how shall we imagine it?

Salesforce is a low-code platform. So you do not write your code by hand, line by line; you use a graphical interface instead, where you can even use the drag and drop method for configuration. We need to know precisely what the platform does and how it does it, for example, how elements having different functionalities can be integrated. Furthermore, Salesforce has its own programming languages, and developers use these languages to add custom enhancements to the platform. So using these systems also requires expertise, just of a slightly different nature than traditional programming. 


What do you like about Salesforce?

I would compare it to one of my favorite hobbies, indoor climbing. There is a system that has a framework, and there are different tricks and steps that you can use creatively to achieve the goal. Since there are several ways to solve a problem, I enjoy the sense of freedom. This is completely contradicts what I thought before! I had the misconception that you just sit in front of the computer, so configuration and other IT tasks must be boring. But this is just not true! Your brain works hard, and you have to use your creativity. 


Do you need specific soft skills in your work?

As someone working in the Salesforce Ecosystem, you can build a career in three fields: admin, consultant and developer. For me, the consultant position is the right choice as I like to work with people, and I'm trying to progress in this direction in the longer term. For this, it’s definitely useful to have good communication skills. At Green Fox, we were encouraged to ask questions, as it helps us develop our knowledge, and our colleagues will learn where we need support. 


How well did the course meet your expectations in terms of salary and job opportunities?

It lived up to my expectations in both aspects. I consider myself lucky to have found my place so quickly. As for the salary: my starting salary is considered good within the IT sector, and is an improvement compared to my previous salary as a teacher.


What type of people would you recommend Salesforce to?

I would recommend this field to people who like to use their brains! It might be an advantage if you like solving riddles. Accuracy is also essential as you must pay close attention to detail, however, it is also important to understand cause-and-effect relations. Furthermore, continuous self-improvement is necessary as the Salesforce platform is updated three times a year: certain features are discontinued, changed or new ones introduced. This is literally lifelong learning and that should be in your DNA.


For more information about the courses Green Fox Academy is offering, please click here!


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